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Carry on the Study of the Data Fusion for the Aquifer Heterogeneity

WU Ji-chun   

  1. Department of Hydrosciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing, 210093
  • Received:2006-06-20 Revised:2006-06-20 Online:2006-06-20 Published:2006-06-20

Abstract: The author suggest in this paper that great emphasis should be placed on the study of the data fusion for the aquifer heterogeneity. It is necessary for the study to combine and apply the research results in the correlated subjects. In order to carry on the study of the data fusion for the heterogeneity in the porous aquifer,from easy to hard, the technique of the data fusion which is relatively mature in the military area should be applied firstly. The main research contents and the advanced project of the data fusion study are presented. The preliminary research results are also presented in this paper.