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Geometry and Kinematics of Complex Folds, Illustrated with Examples from Quilitake Anticline of Kuqa and Bapanshuimo Anticline of Keping, Southern Tianshan

WANG Xin   

  1. Geosciences Department, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
  • Received:2005-12-20 Revised:2005-12-20 Online:2005-12-20 Published:2005-12-20

Abstract: The foreland fold-and-thrust belts develop much more complex imbricate structures that continue to offer substantial and rich challenges. Quilitake anticline in Kuqa thrust belt and Bapanshuime anticline in Keping thrust belt along the piedmonts of the southern Tianshan are such complex imbricate folds. In order to determine the geometry and kinematics of these two folds, we present the models of the folds that are constructed using dipping and strike data of surface strata, 2-D seismic reflection profiles, and well drilling & logging data. The concepts and methods of fault-related folding are used in our research which are helpful to understand the imbricate thrusts and folds in quantitative details.