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Contrasting Accessory Mineral Assemblages in the Taohuadao Peralkaline and Putuoshan Aluminous A-type Granites, Zhejiang Province

XlE Lei, WANG Ru-cheng, WANG De-zi, Qiu Jian-sheng   

  1. State Key Laboratory for Mineral Deposits Research, Department of Earth Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
  • Received:2005-09-20 Revised:2005-09-20 Online:2005-09-20 Published:2005-09-20

Abstract: Two typical East China's coastal perakaline and aluminous A-type granites are developed in Taohuadao and Putuoshan of Zhejiang Province, respectively. disfinction. Detailed electron-microprobe analyses are different. The Taohuadao's contains abundant Their geochemistry and main rock-forming minerals show a clear reveal that accessory minerals from these two granite subgroups zircons, allanite, chevkinite and Fe-Ti minerals (titanomagnetite,ilmenite and pyrophanite). By contrast, in the Putuoshan' s, the accessory-mineral assemblage is Th-poor zoned zircon, Ce-monazite and Fe-Ti oxide minerals dominated by magnetite, rutile and pyrophanite. Besides, these two granites could also be defined by internal structure and chemical composition of accessory minerals, especially zircon. Based on the above-mentioned features of accessory minerals, differences in origins, crystallization environments and physicochemical properties between these two granites could thus be inferred. Firstly, Th-rich zircon indicates a relatively high-temperature, Th-rich and deep-sourced magma for the peralkaline granites. Secondly, the presence of magnetite and ruffle suggests the high fo2 during the crystallization of aluminous A-type granite. Thirdly, the occurrence of allanite or Ce-monazite shows the differences of the alkaline index and P2O5 activity between the peralkaline and aluminous A-type magmas.