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New Comment on the Early Precambrian Tectono-Magmatic Subdivision and Evolution in the Western Shandong Block

HOU Gui-ting1, LI Jiang-hai1, JIN Ai-wen2, QIAN Xiang-lin1   

  1. 1. The Key Laboratory of Orogenic Belts and Crustal Evolution, Department of Geology, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China; 2. School of Earth Sciences, Universtiy Shandong of Science and Technology, Tai'an 271000, China
  • Received:2004-06-20 Revised:2004-06-20 Online:2004-06-20 Published:2004-06-20

Abstract: The evolution of early Precambrian tectono-magmatic activities in the Western Shandong Block was studied by using the methods of field geology,petrology and geochronology. Two units can be subdivided:The TTG rocks in the west and gneissic adamellite in the east.The TTG rocks were the products of Late NeoArchean continental magmatic activity,and the geissoid adamellite rocks were the products of continental accretion activity after the 1TrG magmatic activity.The subdivision of tectono-magmatic units in the Western Shandong Block provided a good Precambrian tectonic section.The ductile transtensional zones between these two tectono-magmatic units show that the paleocrust was thickened by superimposition of these ductile transtensional zones.The Protemzoic sialic and diabase dike swarms extensively developed in these two units show that these units were joined together after the cratonization at the end of NeoArchean.This indicates that the Western Shandong Block Was a part of the brittle craton in the Proterozoic time.