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WANG Shi-feng, LIU Rui-xun
Abstract: The application of microstructures in deformation analysis is well known recently. However, the marks used in stain measurement are restricted in fossils, colites and some minerals.In this paper,the authors depicted some mierostructures for strain measurement,such as dominostructure, pudding structure, rumpled fold, rootless fold,etc. A1l these microstructures wil1 benefit the construction of balanced cross section and the measurement of the shorten amount of a constricted area. In each of the five examples,the first thing is to direct length of fore-deformation(L)along the biggest stress direction in field of vision,then calculate strains in defferent fields of vision and find out the biggest strain,and calculate the line capacity e= (L-L0)/L0) For example,Guishan Group in North Huaiyang tectonic belt of Dahie mountain is monoclinic strata.The micro-deformation here develops very well. The micro-fold structure is one of the deformation types with a strain capacity of 0.57. It means that the strata shortening is 57%.
WANG Shi-feng, LIU Rui-xun. Strain Features and Strain Capacity Under Microscope[J]. J4.
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