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Electronic Microprobe Study on the Melt Inclusions in Pegmatite Minerals from Ailaoshan and Keketuohai Pegmatite Deposits

LI Zhao-Lin1;2, ZHANG Wen-1an2, LI Wen1;2, ZHAI Wei1, SHI Gui-yong1   

  1. 1. Department of Earth Sciences, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou 510275; 2. State Key Laboratory for Mineral Deposits Research, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093
  • Received:2000-12-20 Revised:2000-12-20 Online:2000-12-20 Published:2000-12-20

Abstract: The compositions of daughter minerals in melt an d fluid-melt inclusions in minerals from Ailaoshan pegmatite, Yunnan Provinc e and Keketuohai pegmatite, Xinjiang Autonomous Region were analyzed by electron ic microprobe. 120 analytical points from 73 inclusions we re analyzed. 10 daughter minerals (including zinc-spinel, corundum, apatite, ma gnetite, muscovite, biotite, microcline, albite, quartz and alumo silicate glass) and 27 minera l assemblages were identified. Zinc-spinel and corundum were identified for the first time in these regions. The analytical results indicate that the daughter mineral compositions and mineral assemblages in melt and fluid-melt incl usions vary with different types of pegmatites. The evolution patterns in compositions of daughter minerals and host minerals could be used as a basis to search for the evolution patterns of chemical elements during pegmatite cr ystallization. The existence of local magmatic differentiation, immiscibility an d heterogeneity was proved for the pegmatite magmas. The results of this study are significant in understanding the compositions, forming mechanism s and origins of pegmatites. It would a lso inspire further studies on magmatites, pyrolites and meteorites.