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Aiming Lin   

  1. Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, Yayol 1-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan
  • Received:1995-03-20 Revised:1995-03-20 Online:1995-09-20 Published:1995-09-20

Abstract: The earthquake fault system on northern Awaji island accompanying the 1995 Southern Hyogo Prefecture Earthquake consists of three earthquake surface rupture zones, namely Nojima Earthquake Fault, Matsuho Earthquake Fault, an d Kusumoto Earthquake Fault. The Nojima Earthquake Fault,18 km in length, extends from Awaji-cho and the northern tip of Awaji island to Ichinomiya-cho and wag developed along the pre-existing Nojlma fault in the northern segment and as a new fault in the southern segment. The northern segment of the Nojima Earthquake Fault is composed of several subparallel shear faults showing a right-step enechelon form and a lot of extensional cracks showing a left-step enechelon form, whereas the southern segment consists of some discontinuous surface ruptures which are concentrated in a narrow zone a few tens of meters in width. This fault shows a general trend striking N 30°-60°E, 75°-85° dipping to SE. The deformational topography and striations on the the fault plane generated during earthquake faulting show that the Nojima Earthquake Fault is a right-lataral strike-slip fault with minor reverse movement. Displacements measured at a lot of outcrops are generally 1.0-2.0 m in horizontal direction and 0.5-1.0 m in vertical directions in the northern segment and a few cm to 20 cm in both horizontal and vertical direction in the southern segment. The largest displacements are 180 cm in horizontal direction,130 cm in vertical direction, and 215 cm in netslip measured at the Hirabayashi fault scarp. The Matsuho Earthquake Fault striking N 40°-60°W is also found along the coastal line trending NW -SE at Awaji-cho for about 1 km at the north end of Awaji island. The Matsuho Earthquake Fault extends along the pre-existing geological Kusumoto fault for about l km near the noutheastern coastal line, generally striking N 35°一60°E and 60°-70°dipping to NW. Based upon morphological and geomorpholocal characteristics,the Nojima Earthquake Fault can be divided into four fault segments which exhibit a right-step enechelon form. Geological and geomorphological evidence and aftershock epicenter distributions show clearly that the distributions an d geometry of these four segments are controlled by the pre-existing geological structures. It documented that deformation along the earthquake faults involves the pulling-apart and the pushing-up processes which have produced the extensional cracks, pull—apart basins, flexural folds and pressure ridges.