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    20 October 2022, Volume 28 Issue 5
    Natural Gas Accumulation Model Controlled Jointly by Source and Reservoir in Deep Water Area of Qiongdongnan Basin
    GAN Jun, ZHANG Yingzhao, YANG Xibing, LUO Wei, XIONG Xiaofeng, LI Xing, LIANG Gang
    2022, 28(5):  635-643. 
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    The processes of natural gas accumulation in the deep water area of the Qiongdongnan Basin are complex. Through the comprehensive study of regional tectonic-sedimentary evolution, source-reservoir identification and evaluation, as well as hydrocarbon accumulation, the sources, dominant plays and zones of natural gas in the central depression are identified. The study shows that the development scale and paleo-geomorphology of the Oligocene delta controled the distribution of coal-series and terrestrial marine source rocks, and then formed the Oligocene terrestrial marine source rock which mainly generated natural gas but could also generate oil; Controlled by the distribution of early Oligocene delta, sedimentary filling rate and water depth since the Middle Miocene, it is predicted that the scale of high-quality source rocks in the south slope and Songnan low uplift area of the central depression is larger, its potential energy of reservoirs is lower than that of the northern steep slope zone at the same altitude depth, and the oil and gas transport capacity is better. The distribution of high-quality marine source rocks, large reservoirs and low-fluid potential areas controls the dominant migration of natural gas in deep waters, thereby southern slope of the central depression and the low convex are the potential breakthrough targets of large and medium-sized gas fields.
    Structural Evolution in Deep Water Area of Qiongdongnan Basin and Comparison of Structural Differences between Eastern and Western Segments
    HE Wanhui, WANG Wei, YIN Hongwei, LIU Shaowen, ZHU Jitian, XIONG Xiaofeng
    2022, 28(5):  644-654.  DOI: 10.16108/j.issn1006-7493.2022042
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    Taking Qiongdongnan basin as the research object, on the basis of the seismic data interpretation, we select six typical profiles to conduct balanced restoration. The stretching tensors and stretching ratios of each section in different periods are calculated. On this basis, the structural evolution process and regional differences of Qiongdongnan Basin are analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Research results show that: in the middle part of Qiongdongnan Basin, the horizontal extensional rate decreases significantly and is relatively stable, which indicates that the opening of the basin is uniform. Qiongdongnan basin structural evolution can be divided into four stages: during the 65-33.9 Ma:, basin began to extend; during 33.9-23 Ma, tension activity enhanced and activity reached the top; during 23-10.5 Ma: tension activity weakened obviously, and a few inherited faults developed; 10.5 Ma-today: calm deposition with little fault activities. There are obvious differences in structural styles between the east and west parts of Qiongdongnan Basin. In the western part of the basin, there are small number of large displaced faults, which are conducive to the migration and filling of oil and gas from the source rock to the reservoirs, and the formation of a good cap layer in the upper part to prevent the escape of oil and gas. There are many faults in the graben in the eastern part of the basin, with multiple fault stages, complex assemblages and thin sedimentary cap rocks, which are not conducive to the preservation of oil and gas. Basement properties and pre-existing faults affect the structural evolution in the east and west of the Qiongdongnan Basin.

    The Influence of Basement Heterogeneity on Cenozoic Tectonic Deformation Difference in Qiongdongnan Basin : Insights from Analogue Models
    YANG Gengxiong, YIN Hongwei, WANG Wei, JIA Dong, ZHU Jitian, XIONG Xiaofeng
    2022, 28(5):  655-668.  DOI: 10.16108/j.issn1006-7493.2022037
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    Qiongdongnan Basin, located in the northwest of the northern continental margin of the South China Sea, is a NNE extensional basin formed in the Cenozoic era. The fault trend, distribution direction of secondary depressions and tectonic styles show obvious differences between the eastern and the western zones. In this work, the influence of the orientation of the preexisting structure and basement properties of the Mesozoic structures on the tectonic evolution of Qiongdongnan basin is discussed by using physical simulation experiments. The experimental results indicate that:(1)the pre-existing structural orientation and the regional extension direction jointly control the fault strikes and structural styles of the rift basin. As a result, the fault system of Qiongdongnan Basin shows segmentation between the western and eastern zones. The differences of fault systems between the western and eastern zone have been formed during the first-rift stage(Tg-T80), while the later fault systems inherited and reformed from the first-rift stage. The pre-existing structure is the main controlling factor leading to the differential development of the eastern and western structures in the Qiongdongnan Basin. (2)the difference of basement strength has a great influence on the number of faults and the characteristics of topographical relief. The tectonic differential evolution between the eastern and western zones of Qiongdongnan Basin controlled by the basement strength, pre-existing structural orientation and stress direction.

    Quantitative Analysis of Differential Rifting Process in the Xijiang and Lufeng Sags of the Zhu 1 Depression, Pearl River Mouth Basin, Northern South China Sea
    MA Bingshan, QI Jiafu, WANG Junhuai, NENG Yuan, YU Fusheng, CHEN Weichang, WU Guanghui, GE Jiawang
    2022, 28(5):  669-687.  DOI: 10.16108/j.issn1006-7493.2022033
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    The Xijiang and Lufeng Sags are located in the Zhu 1 Depression of the Pearl River Mouth Basin in the northern South China Sea; the former displays a nearly symmetric graben controlled by NE-striking listric boundary faults, while the latter has the “two sag sandwiching one high” tectonic framework controlled by six curved major faults. The structure and rifting evolution show obvious spatial and temporal differences. In this paper, based on the three-dimensional seismic data, basin structure and geometry of fault system were descripted, a total of 8 seismic-geological sections in the two sags were selected for balanced section restoration, and quantitative parameters (e.g. horizontal displacement and depth-to-detachment) during the two rifting stages were calculated. The evolution process and their differences of the two rifts were further analyzed and the relationship with regional tectonic evolution was discussed. In the Cenozoic, the study area experienced the first (period of the Wenchang Formation) and second (period of the Enping Formation) phases of rifting and the subsequent Late Oligocene-Quaternary post-rifting stage. Each rifting phase can be subdivided into early and late sub-phases. The rifting evolution of the Xijiang and Lufeng Sags has temporal and spatial differences. From the first to second phase of rifting, the horizontal displacement of the study area has the general characteristics of decreasing with time. The horizontal displacement of the Xijiang Sag continues to decrease with time, and it still contains large displacement in the late sub-phase of the second phase, while it is slightly increased in the early sub-stage of the second phase in the Lufeng Sag. The degree of extension in the late sub-phase is much weaker in the Lufeng Sag than that in the Xijiang Sag. The depth-to-detachment of the two sags has the characteristics of deepening with time. In the early and late sub-phases of the first phase, the depth-to-detachment of the Lufeng Sag is slightly deeper than that of the Xijiang Sag. In the early and late subphases of the second phase, the average depth-to-detachment of the Xijiang Sag increases from ~8 km to ~9 km, while the average detachment depth of the Lufeng Sag jumps from ~8 km to ~35 km. The geometric structure, fault system, horizontal displacement and depth-to-detachment of the study area indicate that the Lufeng Sag was subjected to thermal subsidence in the late sub-phase of the second rifting phase and probably ended the rifting stage earlier, while the rifting of the Xijiang Sag ended after the second rifting phase. The rifting of the study area gradually ending from east to west may be controlled by the seafloor spreading of the Northeast Sub-basin of the South China Sea and the gradual westward seafloor spreading of the South China Sea. The regional plate tectonic evolution also provides the Pearl River Mouth Basin with a differential extension environment with enhanced extension in the SW direction. The differential rifting evolution of the study area is of great significance for understanding the temporal and spatial distribution of the rift time and differential rift evolution in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, and also provides important quantitative constraint for understanding the rifting process in the northern continental margin of the South China Sea. 
    Evolution of the South China Sea Recorded in the Tectono-Stratigraphy of the Xisha Block
    ZHANG Yuanze, LI Lin, LEI Chao, REN Jianye, LIU Bowen, GAO Yuanyuan, YANG Zhili, WANG Xuefeng
    2022, 28(5):  688-697. 
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    The Xisha block, covered by deep water, is a continental fragment formed during the process of lithospheric crustal thinning on the South China Sea, which recorded important information about the evolution of the South China block. In this study, integrated with the geological and geophysical data available, we studied the crust structure, tectono-stratigraphic of basins and faults in the Xisha block. We observed that the crust in the Xisha block is much thicker, which is significantly different from the crust structure of the surrounding basins. We observed small faults with high dip cut the basement underlying the Neogene reef buildup. These basement faults continued to cut upward and ceased their activity at the seismic horizon T60(~23Ma). In contrast, to the north of the Xisha block the detachment fault system and extremely thinned the crust developed there. Integrated with the geological dynamic setting, we indicated that in the early Miocene, the activities of detachment faults in the Southwest Subbasin of the South China Sea facilitated the southward movement of the Nansha massif away from the Xisha block. The result from our study will not only improve our understanding of the break-up mechanism of the South China Sea, but also has significance implication for the petroleum exploration in this area.

    Thermal Structure of the Continental Lithospheric in Southeast China and Its Tectonic Implications
    YANG Peng, LIU Shaowen
    2022, 28(5):  698-708.  DOI: 10.16108/j.issn1006-7493.2022045
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    Southeast China is tectonically characterized by complex geological evolution and intensive Mesozoic-Cenozoic intracontinental deformation. The thermal structure of the continental lithosphere in SE China and its influence on tectonics still remain open. Here we combine the latest heat flow data with the Crust 1.0 model to construct the lithospheric thermal structure for the Yangtze Craton, Cathaysia Block and South China Sea, using the steady-state heat conduction equation, and constrained by independent xenolith and seismological observations. The results show that the thermal structure is of strong heterogeneity in SE China. Most regions are indicative of a ‘hot crust and hot mantle’ thermal structure, except for the Upper Yangtze Region (e.g. Sichuan Basin), where the type of ‘warm crust and warm mantle’ exists. The deep temperatures in the Cathaysia Block and South China Sea are significantly higher than those of the Yangtze Craton at the same depth. The thermal lithosphere thins gradually southeastward from ~200 km in the craton interior to ~110 km in the Cathaysia Block and then to ~70 km in the South China Sea. In addition, the distribution of intracontinental earthquakes is found to be closely related to temperature, i.e. seismicity mainly occurs within the 600 ℃ isotherm. In general, the central-western Yangtze Craton is of cold and thick lithosphere, while the Cathaysia Block and the northern South China Sea is of hot and thin lithosphere, as the results of the Paleo-Pacific plate flat subduction and Cenozoic magmatism in the continental margin. The inherited thermal weakening facilitated the rifting of the SE China continent margin and the subsequent opening of the South China Sea. 

    The Influence of Multi-stage Magmatic Intrusion Events on Thermal Evolution of Source Rocks in Changchang Sag
    ZENG Xiaoyu, GUO Minggang, ZHU Jitian, XIONG Xiaofeng, DUAN Liang, PENG Junfeng
    2022, 28(5):  709-716.  DOI: 10.16108/j.issn1006-7493.2022035
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    The latest studies show that multi-stage magmatic intrusion events occur in the Changchang Sag of the Qiongdongnan Basin, northern South China Sea; however, the influences of these magmatic intrusions on the thermal evolution of source rocks in the Changchang Sag are still unclear. With the latest seismic, geochemical and drilling data, and the seismic facies technology, we identified nine magmatic intrusions of four stages in the sag. We then conducted 3D basin modeling to quantitatively assess the impacts of these magmatic intrusions on the thermal evolution of source rocks in the Changchang Sag. The results indicate that
    magmatic intrusions can accelerate the thermal maturity of source rocks, but the influence scope is limited. The size of intrusive
    body and its influence scope have the following rules: when the diameter of the magmatic body is less than 2 km, and the radius of its influence scope is also less than 2 km; the diameter of magmatic body is larger than 2 km but less than 5 km, and the radius of its influence scope is less than 5 km; while the diameter of magmatic body is larger than 10 km but less than 20 km, and the radius of its influence scope is less than 16km. Therefore, magmatic intrusion events do not affect the thermal evolution of source rocks in the Changchang Sag, but they may bring non-hydrocarbon charging risks. Based on the analysis of the influence of magmatic intrusions on two drilling wells in the Changchang Sag, the hydrocarbon generation threshold of the Changchang Sag is determined to be 2300-2500 m below the seafloor. These findings have laid a foundation for next oil and gas exploration in this sag.

    Causes of Gas Geochemical Differences in the Ultra-high Pressure Gas Field, the Eastern Slope of Yinggehai Basin
    GUO Xiaoxiao, XU Xinde, GAN Jun, XIONG Xiaofeng, WANG Ziling, YOU Junjun
    2022, 28(5):  717-725.  DOI: 10.16108/j.issn1006-7493.2021113
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    Recently, important exploration discovery of natural gas has been obtained in the eastern slope of Yinggehai Basin. Ultra high pressure and high temperature gas field L has been found. There are few researches on the differences of geochemical characteristics and the origin of natural gas in the this gas field, which restrict the exploration progress in this area. This work exhibits a comprehensive understanding of source rock sedimentation, inclusion and detailed gas geochemistry to study the formation of natural gas discovered. It is concluded that the geochemical characteristics of gas in L1, L2 and L3 gas reservoirs in gas field L has significant differences. Although the natural gas is coal type, it can be subdivided into M type and S type according to the carbon isotope values of methane, ethane and propane and δ13C1-δ13C2 parameters. Secondly, viewed with the distribution of different types of natural gas, from the near depression center L1 gas reservoir to the near uplift L3 gas reservoir, the natural gas types changed from both M-type and S-type to S-type. This difference is closely related to the hydrocarbon generation process of source rock, the spatial location of gas reservoir and the vertical charging process. Finally, from the formation process of gas reservoirs, the source rocks of Meishan Formation and Sanya Formation entered the maturation or over-maturation stage in the Holocene. On the near depression center side, the gas generated from Meishan formation and Sanya formation migrated to L1 gas reservoir in the Huangliu formation through faults and micro faults, while, on the near uplift side, the gas generated from Sanya formation migrated to L3 gas reservoir in the second member of Meishan formation.

    Natural Gas Migration Rule and Play in Deep-water Area in Qiongdongnan Basin
    ZHU Jitian, GUO Minggang, XIONG Xiaofeng, ZENG Xiaoyu, HE Yi, TANG Lishan, SONG Peng
    2022, 28(5):  726-734.  DOI: 10.16108/j.issn1006-7493.2022036
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    In order to solve the problem of unclear understanding of natural gas migration in the new area of deep-water area of Qiongdongnan Basin, based on the experimental (numerical) simulation and a large number of investigations, the systematic study of natural gas migration law in deep-water area is carried out by using basin simulation software and integrated drilling, structural and seismic data. The results show that the gas migration in deep water area is mainly controlled by the coupling of“fluid potential field”, “path field (transport system)” and “ restraint field (regional seal)”. In the diapir zone and the late active deep and large fault development area in the high potential hydrocarbon generation depression, the integrity of Lingshui formation regional cap rock are destroyed, and the natural gas vertical migration is dominant, which is conducive to the formation of shallow, large and medium-sized lithologic gas fields composed of a number of small and medium-size gas reservoirs above the regional cap rock; the regional cap rock of the Lingshui formation is well preserved in some depression margins, low bulges and upper areas, the “Fault-Sand-Ridge” composite transport system is developed, and the gas migration is mainly lateral, which is conducive to the formation of deep-seated integrated structural large-medium sized gas fields under the regional caprock, and the neo-tectonic movement is an important inducement for the formation of late large and medium-sized gas fields in the deep-water area. The deep-water area finally formed two sets of reservoir-forming systems:shallow and deep reservoir-forming system,and three sets of favorable reservoir-forming assemblage similar to the Santos basin in the South Atlantic Ocean. The results guided exploration and made major breakthroughs. Further expansion is expected to find new large and medium gas fields outside the Central Canyon.

    Seismic Sedimentology and Development Potential of Lithologic Traps of Chute Channels in the Northern Enping Sag, Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea
    JIANG Biao, ZHUO Haiteng, LI Xiaoping, DING Lin, WU Yuxiang, LI Zhigao, Wang Yingmin, SUN Zhen, SUN Longtao, WANG Zhina
    2022, 28(5):  735-746.  DOI: 10.16108/j.issn1006-7493.2022041
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    Chute channel is an important depositional unit in the development of fluvial systems, but there are few systematic studies focusing on its sedimentary characteristics and processes. In this paper, a series of typical chute channel deposits have been identified in the lowstand systems tracts of the sixth member of the Hanjiang Formation in the northern Enping Sag using cores, well logs and 3D seismic data. On seismic profiles, chute channels are generally isolated high-amplitude anomalies. Seismic attributes and slices from frequency decomposition and RGB blending indicate that chute channels are general straight and widen from NE to SW. They gradually pinch out to the NE direction. Core data shows that the lithology of chute channels is mainly gravel bearing coarse sandstones. Compared with the existing models and modern examples, the chute channels developed in the northern Enping Sag is so unique that it is located in a background of mud-rich flood plain rather than braided bars. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the sedimentary processes, it is proposed that the chute channels within the study follow the upstream expansion model: episodic flooding can influence preexisted flood plain between the braided channels, triggering the headward erosion of the chute channels from the low-lying area downstream of the flood plain. Generally, the chute channels have good physical properties and can be further buried by transgressive mudstones, thus having excellent lateral and top sealing conditions. Consequently, chutes channels may form an important lithologic trap type within the whole basin. The finding of this study can provide new enlightenment for the exploration of lithologic traps in the Pearl River Mouth Basin.
    Analysis of the Stability of Submarine Slope Considering the Effects of Undrained Shear Strength of the Cover Layer of Gas Hydrates
    WANG Hui, XIU Zongxiang, SUN Yongfu, LIU Shaowen, SONG Yupeng, DONG Lifeng, SONG Binhui
    2022, 28(5):  747-757.  DOI: 10.16108/j.issn1006-7493.2022043
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    The decomposition of natural gas hydrates can induce the instability of submarine slopes and damages to submarine engineering infrastructures. Accordingly the stability assessment of the submarine slope is of great significance to the site selection and safe operation of the submarine engineering infrastructures. Based on the engineering geological characteristics of the hydrate-enriched area in the Shenhu offshore area in the northern South China Sea, we use the finite element strength reduction method to analyze the effects of the slope geometry, soil strength changes, and hydrate reservoir characteristics on the stability of the submarine slope before and after hydrate decomposition. The results show that, without the consideration of the hydrate decomposition, the stability of the submarine slope is mainly controlled by the slope of the slope gradient and the soil strength, and it is mainly manifested as a shallow landslide. However, when the decomposition of hydrate is considered, the reduction in the strength of the hydrate-bearing layer will affect the overall stability of the slope, but the position of the most dangerous sliding surface under the same overburden condition is greatly affected by the depth of the hydrate-bearing layer. A critical burial depth that is controlled by the terrain geometry and the strength of the overlying soil exists. In addition, when the burial depth is greater than the critical burial depth, the hydrate decomposition has little effect on the stability of the slope, and the most dangerous sliding surface is located in the upper shallow layer, which manifests as a shallow surface failure. When the burial depth is less than the critical burial depth, the most dangerous sliding surface passes through the hydrate-bearing layer, which shows a deep landslide. Finally, according to the buried depth conditions of the hydrate-bearing layer in our current model, the safety factor of the deep sliding surface after hydrate decomposition is still larger than that of the shallow layer, indicating the submarine landslide hazards in this area are mainly shallow landslides.

    Water Depth Inversion from Multispectral Imagery over Optically Shallow Waters of Coral Reefs in South China Sea
    WANG Wanzhi, ZOU Xinqing, LI Haiyu
    2022, 28(5):  758-767.  DOI: 10.16108/j.issn1006-7493.2022038
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    The bathymetry information is fundamental to characterizing the coral reef environment and natural resources of the South China Sea. However, the data on bathymetry is incomplete and spatially limited due to the difficulty of obtaining accurate and well-distributed soundings in remote oceans. In light of the inherent optical properties (IOP) of the coral reefs dominated by case I water, we used Sentinel-2 images and MODIS data acquired on the same date to derive bathymetry, taking Kugui Reef as a case study. First, we constructed reflectance spectra for different benthic substrates in optical shallow waters, and the remote sensing reflectance and chlorophyll (Chl-a) concentrations were estimated by a semi-analytical model. Then we adopted the ratio algorithm model to carry out the water inversion. Finally, the water depths derived from multitemporal images were averaged to reduce noise signals and to improve the result accuracy. The overall root-mean-square error and mean relative error of retrieved water depths were 2.68 m and 9.99%, respectively, by validating with soundings. This approach used Chl-a concentration as a proxy to deduce IOP parameters and rapidly obtained the preliminary water depths in optically shallow waters of coral reefs from multispectral satellite images in the South China Sea. The depth estimation method can be applied to similar marine environments for related studies.

    Quantitative Study on the Geomorphology of Spur and Groove at Kugui Sandbank of Daoming Reefs in Nansha Islands
    LIANG Peng, ZHANG Yongzhan
    2022, 28(5):  768-775.  DOI: 10.16108/j.issn1006-7493.2022039
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    Spur and groove (SAG) is a typical geomorphologic feature of modern coral reef flat and reef front, and its development characteristics are an important basis for the understanding of the formation and evolution of coral reefs. However, the morphological features and formation mechanisms of SAG distributed in the different geomorphologic zones of atoll remain unclear up to present. There are series SAG widely distributed in the atolls in Nansha Islands in the South China Sea, which makes the Nansha Islands become an idea research area. In this paper, multi-beam bathymetric data covered the typical SAG well developed area are processed for the Kugui Sandbank, which is located in the northeastern Daoming Reefs. Wavelet analysis and zero crossing analysis are applied. It could be seen that the average initial water depth of SAG development is 15-16 m in all geomorphologic zones, so they are mainly deep-water SAG. The differences between the maximum initial water depth of SAG development in different geomorphologic zones are relatively large, with a difference of 8 m, but their termination water depths are similar, around 16 m as the average. The height of SAG in the front slope of the reef and inner reef flat are about 2.15 m, but only 1.24 m in lagoon slope, while the average wide of SAG in the front slope is 47.30 m, but up to 54.92 m in lagoon slope. Obviously, there are relatively high and dense SAG in the front slope, but low and sparse SAG in lagoon slope. From the front slope to the lagoon slope, the slope gradient of SAG increases gradually, shape of SAG in cross section changes from“V”shaped to“U” shaped, and from left leaning to right leaning. Furthermore, there are secondary SAG developed in inner reef flat and lagoon slope with“V”and“U”shaped. Compared with the other SAG formed in world representative coral reef well developed regions, it is evident that there is mainly deep-water SAG formed in atolls in the South China Sea. The correlation between their space and extension length either belong to“V”shaped or“U”shaped. The former is wave erosion processes dominated, the later is biological construction processes dominated. It probably means that SAGs in the South China Sea are controlled by above two processes together, and their relative strength are different in the different gromorphologic zones. Meanwhile, the destruction caused by the frequent tropical storms might be another key factor.

    Spatiotemporal Distribution Characteristics of Seismicity and b-Value in Southeast Asia
    WANG Guanhe, LIU Shaowen, ZHU Wenjing
    2022, 28(5):  776-786.  DOI: 10.16108/j.issn1006-7493.2022044
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    Southeast Asia, an important region of the “21st-Century Maritime Silk Road”, has been struck by more than ten giant devastating earthquakes historically. Accordingly, the earthquakes and associated geological hazards are the main natural hazards threatening the socio-economic development and international cooperation in this region. Systematic investigation on spatiotemporal distribution of the seismicity and the assessment of the future earthquake hazard risk hold key for advancing the“the Belt and Road”Initiative and socio-economic sustainable development in the region. Based on the analysis of the spatiotemporal distribution of Magnitude≥5 earthquakes in Southeast Asia since 1900 and the calculation of regional seismic b-values, our results show that the seismicity in Southeast Asia is featured by the alternations of active and quiescent periods temporally. The seismicity also demonstrates a spatially strong clustering, mainly concentrating on five seismic sub-areas. Among which the Indonesia-Malay archipelagic area and the Philippine islands show intensive earthquake activities. Generally the seismic b-values for this region are low, ranging between 0.42 and 0.91, but show an obviously spatiotemporal variation as well. Seismic b-value of Southeast Asia is mainly affected by the factors that include the large earthquake events, the age of subduction zones, the active fault zone and the focal depth, but their relative contributions are various for different areas. The spatiotemporal variation of seismic b-value is of significance for regional earthquake prediction. The results could provide some scientific supports for reinforcing engineering infrastructures of the Maritime Silk Road and the mitigation of the earthquake hazards for the commencement of the Belt and Road Initiative.