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程海艳,李江海,赵 星   

  1. 北京大学 造山带与地壳演化教育部重点实验室,地球与空间科学学院,北京 100871
  • 收稿日期:2009-12-20 修回日期:2009-12-20 出版日期:2009-12-20 发布日期:2009-12-20

The Structural Styles of Different Structural Layers in the Western Part of North Tarim Uplift and Their Genetic Mechanisms

CHENG Hai-yan, LI Jiang-hai, ZHAO Xing   

  1. Key Laboratory of Orogenic Belts and Crustal Evolution, School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
  • Received:2009-12-20 Revised:2009-12-20 Online:2009-12-20 Published:2009-12-20

摘要: 塔北隆起西部经历多期复杂的构造演化,形成了下中上三个构造层,即震旦系到古生界构造层、中生界—古近系构造层和新近系—第四纪构造层。下构造层发育逆冲断层、褶皱、走滑构造和岩浆底辟构造;中构造层发育负反转构造和正断层;上构造层英买力地区发育盐上逆冲断层构造,东部牙哈地区仍发育负反转构造。不同地区构造层之间的关系不同,牙哈地区中上构造层与下构造层的断裂发育具有很好的继承性:深层逆冲断裂由下向上扩展,控制浅层断裂走向、倾向及其运动性质,它们在浅层发育负反转构造、兼具走滑性质。英买力地区由于发育中寒武统及古近系两侧膏盐层,膏盐层的分隔造成构造层之间构造样式的不协调及其分层性特征。

Abstract: The Western part of North Tarim Uplift underwent several phases of tectonic evolution. Three structural layers were formed including Sinian-Paleozoic, Mesozoic-Paleogene and Neogene-Quaternary structural layers. The thrust faults, folds,strike-slip faults and magmatic diapir structures were formed in the lower layer; the negative inversion and normal faults were developed in the middle layer; while in the upper layer, the thrust faults were developed in the Yingmaili region, and the negative inversion structures were developed in the Yaha region continuously. The relations of the structures of different layers are diverse in different places. The structures of the middle and upper layers inherited those in the lower layer in the Yaha region. The deep thrusts extended upwards and controlled the strike and the motion of the upper faults; however, in the Yingmaili region, the gypsum-salt beds separated the structures of different layers.