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舒良树1, 郭召杰2, 朱文斌1, 卢华复1, 王博1   

  1. 1.南京大学地球科学系南京 210093; 2. 北京大学地球与空间科学学院北京 100083
  • 收稿日期:2004-09-20 修回日期:2004-09-20 出版日期:2004-09-20 发布日期:2004-09-20

Post-Collision Tectonism and Basin-Range Evolution in the Tianshan Belt

SHU Liang-shu1, GUO Zhao-jie2, ZHU Wen-bin1, LU Hua-fu1, WANG Bo1   

  1. 1. Department of Earth Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China; 2. School of Earth and Space Sciences, Beijing University, Beijing 100083, China
  • Received:2004-09-20 Revised:2004-09-20 Online:2004-09-20 Published:2004-09-20

摘要: 研究表明,近东西向的天山造山带基本格架在古生代晚期已经初步形成;平行造山带广泛分布的二叠纪红色磨拉石证明当时造山隆升作用非常强烈,导致前陆盆地普遍发育。三叠纪,天山造山带遭受区域剥蚀夷平,盆山高差缩小,盆地规模进一步扩大。侏罗纪—古近纪,由于板内伸展作用,在准平原化的天山地区形成了一系列伸展盆地,呈近东西向分布。新近纪以来,受南面印度—欧亚陆—陆碰撞的影响,天山地区发生强烈陆内变形,以逆冲推覆和褶皱堆叠为特征;节理统计表明新生代的主压应力为南北方向。晚新生代,由印度和欧亚大陆碰撞产生的强烈挤压作用对大陆腹地的天山地区影响很大:前中生代块体发生剧烈隆升和褶皱,伴随大规模新生代坳陷的形成,导致盆山高差急剧增大;脆性剪切与挤压变形构造叠加在韧性变形的古生代岩层之上。同时,中生代拉伸盆地发生构造反转,形成新生代挤压盆地,盆山交接带变形以台阶状逆断层和断层相关褶皱为特征。由于盆地朝造山带的下插作用,使古生代的岩层呈构造岩片方式逆冲推覆在盆地边缘的中新生代岩层之上,当穿越不同地质构造单元时表现出不同的运动学特征。强烈挤压褶皱冲断是晚新生代盆山交接带的基本特征和最普遍的盆-山耦合方式,局部伴有小规模近东西向的走滑断层。中生代沉积岩的褶皱与断裂、侏罗纪煤层自燃及烧结岩的形成、强烈地震与断层活动、以及新疆独特的镶嵌状盆山格局,都是新近纪以来构造作用的产物。

Abstract: The sub-E-W-striking Tianshan belt was built in the late stage of Paleozoic.evidenced by Permian foreland molasses of regional scale which indicate the uplifting of Tianshan belt and formation of foreland basin.During Triassic,this orogenic belt was peneplaned,and the basins parallel to orogenic belt were further developed.In the interval of Jurassic Paleogene,extensional tectonic activity withinplate split the peneplaned Tianshan region into a series of sub-E-W-striking extensional basins.Since Neogene,a collision between Indian and Eurasian plates took place in the southem side of Tianshan belt,causing a strong intra-continental deformation characterized by thrusting and folding. This event led to coupling of ranges and basins,yielding a mosaic basin-range landform of present time.The strong thrusting influenced the orogenic belt in the hinterland.The Mesozoic-Cenozoic brittle deformation superposed on the ductile deformed Paleozoic rocks,and the transpression structures and listric faults were strongly developed.The thrusting flakes moving toward basins are very common. The distinct kinematic features occur throughout different geological units.At the same time,ranges were strongly reuplifted,and the extensional basins were converted into compression basins. Some Mesozoic coal-bearing basins in the ranges were violently uplifted to 4 000 m high,and the altitude difference between basins and ranges was increased.The step-type thrust faults and related fault folds were developed commonly in the basins. Strong fold-thrust structures occurred in the connecting zone between basins and ranges, accompanied with local sub-E-W-striking strike slip faulting.In the Tianshan region.thrusting deformation is an important basin-range coupling mechanism.The folding and faulting of Mesozoic sedimentary rocks,active faulting,Jurassic coal layer self-ignition and formation of sintered rocks were resulted from Cenozoic tectonism.