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  1. 胜利油田有限公司勘探项目管理部,山东东营 257001
  • 收稿日期:2004-03-20 修回日期:2004-03-20 出版日期:2004-03-20 发布日期:2004-03-20

Mesozoic and Cenozoic Maturity Curve of Jiyang Depression and Its Application in Calculation of Strata Denudation

SONG Ming-shui   

  1. Geology Science Academy of Shengli Oil Field, Dongying in Shandong 257001, China
  • Received:2004-03-20 Revised:2004-03-20 Online:2004-03-20 Published:2004-03-20

摘要: 在地温场的作用下,样品的镜质体反射率与埋深呈指数关系。依据大量的分析测试数据,拟合了济阳坳陷新生代成熟度曲线关系式,并根据济阳坳陷中、新生代古地温梯度、古地表温度的差异性,推算出中生代成熟度曲线关系式,为该地区分析、判断烃源岩的成熟度提供了参考依据。在此基础上,利用热史演化与构造升降的对应关系,介绍了利用镜质体反射率资料推算地层剥蚀量的两种具体方法,并就济阳坳陷中生界与古生界不整合面的地层剥蚀量进行了实例分析。结果表明,发生于晚三叠世的印支运动造成了济阳坳陷区3000余米的地层剥蚀,剥蚀掉的地层包括早、中三叠世沉积的全部地层及石炭系顶部的部分地层,从而得出济阳坳陷区三叠纪地层的缺失不是沉积缺失,而是剥蚀缺失的认识。

Abstract: Controlled by geothermics, the vitrinite reflectance of samples shows an exponential relation with depth. Based on abundant data, the Cenozoic maturity curve of Jiyang Depression was simulated in this paper. Furthermore, according to the difference in the paleogeothermal information and the paleotemperatures on the surface between the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, the Mesozoic maturity curve in this area was calculated. This also provided a reference for analyzing and determining the maturity of source rocks. Based on this, accompanied by the relationship between thermal history and structural fluctuation, two methods of using vitrinite reflectance to calculate the strata denudation were introduced and applied in the calculation of strata denudation for unconformity between the Mesozoic and Cenozoic in Jiyang Depression. Our investigation indicates that more than 3 000 m rocks were eroded as a result of the Indonesian movement that happened in Late Triassic. The eroded strata include the whole Early Triassic and Middle Triassic strata and a part of the top of Carboniferous. The absence of the Triassic in the a of Jiyang Depression was caused by denudation.