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高校地质学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (6): 687-696.DOI: 10.16108/j.issn1006-7493.2020072

• 微生物岩土与地质工程专辑 • 上一篇    下一篇


何 稼,吴 敏,孟 浩,亓永帅,高玉峰*   

  1. 河海大学 岩土力学与堤坝工程教育部重点实验室,南京 210098
  • 出版日期:2021-12-20 发布日期:2022-01-07

Research Progress of Bio-cementation for Sand Stabilization and Wind Erosion Control

HE Jia,WU Min,MENG Hao,QI Yongshuai,GAO Yufeng*   

  1. Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Geomechanics and Embankment Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China
  • Online:2021-12-20 Published:2022-01-07

摘要: 文章对近年来基于生物固土技术的防风固沙研究进行了回顾和分析。常用于防风固沙的生物过程包括基于微生物或酶诱导碳酸钙沉积(MICP或EICP)的矿化固土技术,加入黄原胶等生物高聚物作为辅助剂,可获得更好的固土效果。土壤风蚀过程中,除了风力本身,风携带的跃移颗粒对土的撞击,也是侵蚀破坏的重要因素,这在生物固化土风蚀试验中体现明显。生物固化防风固沙的处理过程简单易行,以尿素和钙盐作为处理材料,用细菌或脲酶作为催化诱导媒介,对土体进行单遍喷洒处理即可获得很好的抗风效果。室内抗风试验中,将风蚀速率与临界起动风速两个指标结合是较为合理的评估方法。在室内和现场条件下,表面贯入强度测试可用来快速测定处理效果和抗风性能。目前的现场试验研究表明,生物固化土中植物可以生长,但是极端条件下生长受限。为了将该方法推向实用,需要从多重侵蚀因子作用下的抗风力侵蚀能力、生态恢复能力和现场施工技术等方面进一步研究探索。

关键词: 生物固化, 细菌, 酶, 沙漠, 风力侵蚀

Abstract: This paper reviews recent research studies on biological soil cementation methods, or bio-cementation, for sand stabilization and wind erosion control. The biological processes adopted for bio-cementation involve microbially- or enzymeinduce carbonate precipitation (MICP or EICP), and the auxiliary use of biopolymers such as xanthan gum can achieve better soil stabilization effects. In the process of soil wind erosion, in addition to the wind itself, the bombardment of the saltating particles carried by the wind is also a key factor of erosion damage. This has been evidenced in the wind erosion tests of bio-cemented soils. The treatment process of soil bio-cementation for wind erosion control is simple and easy. Using urea and calcium salt as treatment materials, and bacteria or urease as catalytic agents, a single-pass spraying treatment on the soil can obtain a good wind resistance effect. In the laboratory wind resistance tests, the combination of wind erosion rate and threshold detachment velocity is a more reasonable evaluation method for wind erosion. In laboratory and field conditions, the surface penetration test can be a simple and quick method to determine the treatment effect and wind erosion resistance. Current field studies indicate that plants can grow in soil with bio-cemented crust, but their growth is restricted under some adverse conditions. Further studies may concentrate on erosion resistance capability under multiple erosion factors, ecological restoration ability in bio-cemented soil, and construction technologies related to the use of bio-cementation, etc.
