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高校地质学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (01): 47-55.DOI: 10.16108/j.issn1006-7493.2022091

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王鹤源,王泽堃,谷思莹,杨烁暄,赵梓垚,陈 旭*

  1. 中国地质大学(武汉) 地理与信息工程学院,武汉 430078
  • 出版日期:2024-02-18 发布日期:2024-02-18

Comparison of Gravel Layers along the Yangtze River between Yichang and Wuhan

WANG Heyuan,WANG Zekun,GU Siying,YANG Shuoxuan,ZHAO Ziyao,CHEN Xu*   

  1. School of Geography and Information Engineering, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), Wuhan 430078, China
  • Online:2024-02-18 Published:2024-02-18

摘要: 长江中游沿岸地区广泛分布的一套长江中游沿岸地区广泛分布的一套巨厚砾石层,是研究长江水系演化的有效素材。目前的研究多聚焦局部地区砾石层的年代学和沉积学分析,针对不同地区之间砾石层的对比分析较少。为此,文章选取宜昌市和武汉市共计11个砾石层剖面作为研究对象,对其中1616颗砾石进行形态及岩性的测量与统计,同时采集砂质透镜体粉砂样品进行地球化学元素分析,进而结合区域地质背景探讨沉积物物源。结果表明,宜昌和武汉两地砾石层中砾石的优势倾向不同;宜昌砾石层中含有花岗岩、砂岩、砾岩和部分硅质岩,武汉地区砾石岩性单一,主要为石英岩和少量燧石;而在细颗粒物质元素组成方面,宜昌地区砂质透镜体相对富集Ca和Sr,而武汉地区相对富集Fe和Al。两个研究区砾石层中砾石岩性、形态和微观粉砂元素组成对比分析均表明,武汉和宜昌两地砾石层的物源存在明显差异,宜昌地区砾石层中包含长江上游输入物源,而武汉地区砾石层则主要来自北部大别山。该研究结果为深入了解长江中游沿岸砾石层物源提供新证据。

关键词: 砾石岩性, 砾石倾向, 地球化学分析, 三峡地区, 大别山

Abstract: Several thick gravel layers are widely distributed in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, providing useful clues for tracking the evolution of the Yangtze River. Previous studies mainly focused on the chronologies and sedimentary characteristics of gravel layers in local sites, while comparison of gravel layers among different regions has not been extensively investigated. In this study, eleven profiles of gravel layers in Yichang and Wuhan were explored, the morphology and lithology of 1616 gravels were analyzed. Furthermore, geochemical composition of silty sediments intermixed in gravel layers were measured in order to explore the provenance of the sediments, in combination with regional geological conditions. The results show that the dominant inclinations of gravels in the gravel layers of Yichang and Wuhan are different. Gravels in the Yichang gravel layers mainly consist of granite, sandstone, conglomerate and some siliceous rocks. Gravels in Wuhan are dominated by quartzite, with a small amount of flint. Silty sediments in the gravel layers of Yichang are relatively enriched in Ca and Sr, while those in Wuhan are relatively enriched in Fe and Al. Comparison of gravels and silty sediments in the two regions shows that the provenances of gravel layers in the two regions are different. Detritus from the upper reaches of the Yangtze River are important sources of the gravel layers in Yichang, while the gravel layers in Wuhan are sourced from the Dabie Mountains. The results of this study provide new evidence for improving our understanding of the provenances of gravel layers in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River.

Key words: gravel lithology, gravel inclination, geochemical analysis, The Three Gorges Region, the Dabie Mountains
