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华北中—新生代大陆岩石圈转型的研究现状与方向 ——兼评“岩石圈减薄”和“克拉通破坏”


  1. 中国科学院 地质与地球物理研究所 岩石圈演化国家重点实验室,北京 100029
  • 收稿日期:2009-03-20 修回日期:2009-03-20 出版日期:2009-03-20 发布日期:2009-03-20

Major Transformation of Subcontinental Lithosphere beneath North China in Cenozoic-Mesozoic: Revisited

ZHOU Xin-hua   

  1. Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China
  • Received:2009-03-20 Revised:2009-03-20 Online:2009-03-20 Published:2009-03-20

摘要: 对我国大陆岩石圈的持续热点研究领域——华北中-新生代大陆岩石圈巨厚减薄研究中所涉及的问题再次进行了评述,特别是将对问题认识过程与克拉通陆内造山研究相联系。综述了岩石地球化学、地球物理、构造地质等不同学科对中生代华北大陆岩石圈演化特征研究的最新进展,以及对大陆岩石圈诸多学科不同定义内涵及由此产生的讨论。在分述了国际大陆岩石圈研究背景,岩石圈转型的空间特征及时间特征,新技术方法的应用,地表构造体系转折的再认识,以及几种可能的转型机制基础上,再次建议以大陆岩石圈全面转型,即一系列大陆岩石圈地质、物理及化学参量的系统变化,来描述这一大尺度东亚地球动力学过程,并提出目前以“克拉通破坏”作为大陆岩石圈改造研究的提法应予修正。呼吁大力鼓励及进行多学科交叉综合研究,重视各学科新技术新方法的引进及应用。在相关研究中高度重视地球深部圈层相互作用,将中生代全球深部地幔事件对中国东部岩石圈地幔全面转型的影响作为今后研究重点。

Abstract: The dramatic change of subcontinental lithosphere mantle (SCLM) beneath North China in Cenozoic-Mesozoic has been a hotly debatable issue in Earth science community. This paper presents an overview on topics related to this field, such as temporal and spatial characteristics of lithospheric transformation, progresses in geophysical and geological studies, latest applications of new analytical technology, mechanism and deep processes involved, as well as the dynamic regime in tectonics.The author emphasizes to adopt the term of transformation, instead of the term of thinning as used so far, to describe this large scale geodynamic event in East Asia. It is also noted that "the destruction of craton" is not a proper phrase for delineating such an event in North China. Meanwhile, a global link between Mesozoic mantle overturn and transformation of SCLM in eastern China has been proposed and stressed, which opens a variety of research approaches to further studies.