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  1. 1.中国石油大学地球资源与信息学院,山东 东营 257061; 2. 中石化胜利油田有限公司胜利采油厂,山东 东营 257051
  • 收稿日期:2006-03-20 修回日期:2006-03-20 出版日期:2006-03-20 发布日期:2006-03-20

Application of the Reservoir Trap Size Sequence Methodto Resource Assessment of Shengtuo Area

YAN Ke1, XU Shou-yu1, CAI Chuan-qiang2, GUO Zhen-hai2, CUI Zhi-kun2   

  1. 1. College of Geo-Resource and Information in the University of Petroleum, Dongying 257061, China; 2. Shengli Oil Recovery Plant, Shengli Oilfield Corp. Ltd. , Sinopec, Dongying 257051, China
  • Received:2006-03-20 Revised:2006-03-20 Online:2006-03-20 Published:2006-03-20

摘要: 胜坨油区已勘探开发40多年,油气勘探程度高。应用油藏规模序列法对该地区资源量进行了评价,结果表明:胜坨油区仍有124个30×10^4级地质储量以上的待发现油藏,剩余资源总量达1.46×10^8t。待发现油藏的规模不仅局限于百万吨级储量以下的小规模油藏,百万吨级储量以上的油藏还有35个,地质储量9672×10^4t。应用油藏规模序列法所计算的胜坨油区剩余资源量及其规模分布能够为该地区今后的勘探工作提供指导。

Abstract: Being developed for more than forty years,Shengtuo area has come into the advanced exploration degree stage.In order to study the size and distribution of the undiscovered reservoirs in Shengtuo area,the reservoir trap size sequence method is applied to evaluate its remaining resource potentia1.The studies show that there are still 124 undiscovered reservoirs whose reserves in every pool are greater than 30×10 4t and the quantities of total remaining resource are about 1.46×10 4t.Not only did the undiscovered reservoirs include small-scale pools of which sizes are smaller than 1O0 ×10 4t,but also 35 large.scale ones of which total reserves are 9672×10 4t.The quantities of the remaining resources and the undiscovered reservoirs of Shengtuo area,forecasted by reservoir size sequence method,can play an important role in finding out the optimum direction of exploration and guiding the future exploration of this area.