Thermo-Rheological Structure of the Lithosphere in the South Huabei Basins
ZHANG Peng1 , WANG Liang-shu1 , LIU Shao-wen2 , LI Cheng1 , DING Zeng-yong1
1. Department of Earth Sciences , Nanjing University , Nanjing 210093; 2. School of Geographic and Oceanographic Sciences, Nanjing University , Nanjing 210093
ZHANG Peng1 , WANG Liang-shu1 , LIU Shao-wen2 , LI Cheng1 , DING Zeng-yong1. Thermo-Rheological Structure of the Lithosphere in the South Huabei Basins[J]. J4.