J4 ›› 2011, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (2): 151-160.
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Jia Cheng-Zao
Exploitation of energy resources is the base for the economic society,s orderly development of our nation. From the analysisof domestic and overseas energy consumption structures, we found that coal consumption still takes large proportion in the national primary energy consumption structure. The national energy consumption structure forecast of 2030 shows that the drop in coal consumption is limited, nuclear energy, hydro-electric, and other new energy proportion will increase slightly. The paper, based on our national energy consumption structure, analyzes the national energy resources status and prospect, summarizes the frontiers of energy science and technology, and raises major technological problems of all energy resources fields, to accelerate the exploit ation of national energy resources.
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Jia Cheng-Zao. The energy prospect of China and frontiers of energy science and technology[J]. J4, 2011, 17(2): 151-160.
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