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Influence of Heterogeneity of Sandy Carrier Bed of Littoral Facies on Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation: A Case of the Donghe Sandstone in the Hadexun Area, Tarim Basin, China


  • Online:2018-02-20 Published:2018-02-26

Abstract: To understand the influence of heterogeneity of sandy carrier bed of littoral facies on hydrocarbon migration and
accumulation, a case study of the Donghe sandstone in the Hadexun area, Tarim Basin was conducted in this paper. The heterogeneous
structure of the carrier bed was divided into nine grades based on the study of sedimentary architecture. The heterogeneity of grades 7
and 8 were further investigated through the outcrop description and core physical property analyses. In the same grade, heterogeneity
types of carrier bed were divided into structural heterogeneity and physical property heterogeneity. The heterogeneity of carrier bed and
fluid differentiation have an obviously corresponding relation. Numerical simulation shows the dynamic process of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in the sandy carrier bed of littoral facies has heterogeneity, both temporally and spatially. This results in
the complicated oil-water relationship, which is the major cause of the inclined oil-water interface. The heterogeneity influences the
process of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation from paleo-oil pools to new traps in five stages: migration initialization, migration
adjustment, migration stabilization, accumulation initialization and accumulation completion. Two processes and five stages occur in
different positions of carrier bed.

Key words: hydrocarbon migration and accumulation, Donghe sandstone, carrier bed, heterogeneous, littoral facies