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Cathaysia Block:A Young Continent Comprising Ancient Materials

YU Jin-Hai,WEI Zhen-Yang,WANG Li-Juan,SHU Liang-shu,SUN Tao   

  1. State Key Laboratory for Mineral Deposits Research, Department of Earth Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
  • Received:2006-12-20 Revised:2006-12-20 Online:2006-12-20 Published:2006-12-20

Abstract: Analyses of detailed dating results of zircons from metamorphic rocks in three areas of the Cathaysia block, where Precambrian rocks are exposed, indicate that the Cathaysia block may be subdivided into the Wuyishan and Nanling-Yunkai terrains. The Wuyishan terrain is composed of Paleoproterozoic basement metamorphic rocks and Neoproterozoic (730-820 Ma) meta- sediments, which is an oldest terrain in Cathaysia block. There may be Neoarchaean basement in the depth. Neoproterozoic sediments are from the old Wuyishan mirco-terrain itself. The Nanling and Yunkai regions have similar Precambrian crustal components, which consist of Neoproterozoic sediments and minor interbedded volcanic rocks. These sediments comprise very ancient Mesoarchaean and Neoarchaean components, even Paleoarchaean ones. The Grenvillian and Mesoproterozoic materials are most abundant in these sediments. However, these major components have no exposed counterpart rocks found in the Cathaysia block, implying that their provenance are from other continents previously linking with the Cathaysia block. This source continent is likely the Eastern India and East Antarctica. The Nanling-Yunkai area is originally a rifted sedimentary basin forming during the breakup of Rodinia supercontinent. Caledonian orogeny made the sediments in the basin compress, fold and uplift, forming a new young continent with old Wuyishan micro-continent