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    20 March 2004, Volume 10 Issue 1
    Calcareous Nannofossils from the Niobrara Formation(Upper Cretaceous)and Pareoenvironments of the North American Western Interior Basin Part I:Nannofossil Assemblage Characteristics and Zonation
    LIU Huai-bao1,D.K.Watkins2
    2004, 10(1):  1-25. 
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    Abstract:Calcareous nannofossils from the Upper Cretaceous Niobrara Formation in western Kansas and eastern South Dakota are systematically studied(Fig.I-I).All the samples collected from four sections contain abundant and mostly well-preserved nannofossils.More than 100 species belonging to 60 genera are identified by this study. The Niobrara Formation in western Kansas is 205.9m,mainly consists of pure chalk and chalky carbonate rocks.The Niobrara Formation in eastern South Dakota is different from western Kansas in both lithology and thickness.Lithologically,in stead of pure chalk,the Niobrara Formation in eastern South Dakota contains large amount of terrigenous materials,and is significantly condensed (Fig.I-3).Because the principal components of the Niobrara chalk and calcium carbonate are of coccoliths and coccolithophorid debris, different nannoplankton productivity in the Cretaceous interior basin could be one of the important factors affecting lithological and sedimentary thickness variations within the study area. The Niobrara nannofossil assemblage shows typical Late Cretaceous pelagic assemblage feature,but with variations of dominate species in western Kansas and eastern South Dakota.One of the nannofossil assemblage characteristics is the extremely abundance of Marthasterites furcatus at certain horizons of the Niobrara Formation in eastern South Dakota.According to the co-occurrence of some species with delicate structures,the"M.furcatus blooming event"should be resulted from special environmental conditions which were favorite to this species.but not from diagenesis. By correlation,6 Cretaceous Coccolith zones(CC zones)with 8 subzones are recognized from the Niobrara Formation(Fig.I-5).According to the throughout occurrence of M.furcatus,the Niobrara Formation in western Kansas deposited from subzone CC 13b(1ate Coniacian)through subzone CC 18c(early Campanian).Biostratigraphically,the Niobrara Formation in eastern South Dakota is correlated to only part of the interva1.Based on the nannofossil sequence in the study area, the CC15 and CC16 zones are subdivided.The subzone CC15a started from the first occurrence(FO)of Reinhardtites anthophorus and ended at FO Lithastrinus grillii.The age of CC15a is assigned to middle Early Santonian.The sub-zone CC15b started at FO L.grillii,ended at FO Lucianorhabdus cayeuxii,and is aged as late Early Santonian.The subzone CC16a,started at FO L.cayeuxii and ended at the last occurrence(LO)of Lithastrinus septenarius,belongs to early Middle Santonian.The subzone CC16b.started at L0 L.septenarius and ended at FO Calculites obscurus.is aged as late-Middle Santonian.The Calculites obscurus zone(CC17)has been differently aged by several authors.In western Kansas section,the CC17 zone spans from 102.5 m to l19.1m,which is close to the occurrence of ammonites Clioscaphites vemdformis and C.choteauensis,99.9 m to l19.5 m in the same section(Hattin,1982).Cobban(1993)aged the C.vermiformis zone as Middle Santonian,and the G.choteauensis zone as early Late Santonian.By correlation, the CC17 zone should start in late Middle Santonian and end in early Late Santonian.In this case, the boundary between Santonian and Campanian should be thin the Aspidolithusparcus(CC18)zone(Fig.I-6).
    Calcareous Nannofossils from the Niobrara Formation(Upper Cretaceous)and Pareoenvironments of the North American W estern Interior Basin Part II:Pareoenvironment Study
    LIU Huai-bao1, D.K.Watkins2
    2004, 10(1):  26-38. 
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    The Cretaceous western Interior Basin was a huge foreland basin east of the Rocky Mountains in North America.It was flooded from the Aptian to the Maastrichtian and formed a broad interior seaway.To study pareoenviromental variations within the basin,four field sections of the Niobrara Formation located in western Kansas and eastern South Dakota are selected.The Niobrara Formation is significantly different between western Kansas and eastern South Dakota in lithology and sedimentary thickness.In western Kansas,the Niobrara Formation consists of pure chalk and chalky limestone,thickness totared 205.9 m.In eastern South Dakota,the Niobrara Formation only correlates to the upper part,consisting of interbedded chalk,calcarenite,chalky share,and a large amount of share.The thickness of the Niobrara Formation in eastern South Dakota is less than 25% as it in western Kansas.Considering pure chalk consists largely of coccoliths and coccolithophorid debris,the different nannoplankton productivity in the two regions should be one ofthe most important factors contro1ling the lithology and sedimentary thickness of the Niobrara Formation.The results from the Shannon's species diversity analysis also show different trends through the Niobraradeposition time between western Kansas and eastern South Dakota.Watkins and others(1993) recognized the high positive correlation between nannofossil species diversity and sediment carbonate content,as well as the surface water condition in the Western Interior Basin.Therefore,one can expect that the different species diversity trends in the study area imply surface water condition variance.Based on the species diversity results, the water mass around western Kansas should be more favorable to the nanoplankton community during the early deposition time of the Niobrara Formation.In Cretaceous,abundant Watznaueria barnesae usually related to wamer waters.Relative abundance of this species in western Kansas and Miner,South Dakota is counted and calculated .In western Kansas,the percentage of W.barnesae shows a continued decline through the Niobrara deposition time(Fig. II-4).Result from Miner section does not show this trend(Fig.II-5).Other important nannofossil taxa used as warm water indicators during the Niobrara deposition period include Ceratolithoides verbeekiand Nannoconus.Although the two taxa were common in the southern part of the interior basin,such as Texas.C.verbeeki is very rare and Nannoconus does not occur in both western Kansas and eastern South Dakota.Two suggestions can be made from the warm water species distributions.First,during the Niobrara deposition period the water temperature in the seaway was not the same,but was warm in the south,cold in the north.Second,the water temperature,at least around Kansas,experienced graduallycooling through the Niobrara deposition time.The water temperature changed through time is also evidenced by the distribution of some cold water nannofossil indicators.For the late Cretaceous,the most famous high latitude nannofossil species include Seribiscutum primitivum,Biscutum notaculum,and Repagalumparvidentatum ,R.parvidentatum do not occur in the study areas.Before this study,S.primitivum and B.notaculum were only reported from localities with latitude higher than 40°.In late Cretaceous,these two species were especially restricted within southern hemisphere with latitude around 60°or higher (Figs.II-6&7).Both S.primitivum and B.notaculum occur in the study areas.but their first occurrences in the Niobrara Formation are different.In eastern South Dakota sections,they first occur at the base of CC16a subzone,while they do not appear until CC18a subzone in western Kansas(Fig.II-8).Further south in the basin,these two speciesnever been found.The different occurrences of the two typical cold water species indicate environmental, especially water temperature, variations within the basin, Their occurrences in the study areas also indicate that the Western Interior Basin had a direct connection with the boreal ocean,and the gradually coling of water in the basin should be resulted from the polar water southward invasion in late Cretaceous (Fig.II-9).The slack immigration of these polar nannofossil species,Middle Santonian in South Dakota and Early Campanian in western Kansas,suggests the cold water invasion was gradual and slow,and the polar water mass seemed never arrive southern part of the basin.
    Physical Models of Thick-Skinned Contractional Salt Tectonics in a Foreland Fold-and-Thrust Belt
    GE Hong-xing1, Bruno C.Vendeville2, Martin P.A.Jackson2
    2004, 10(1):  39-49. 
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    Scaled physical modeling investigated structures formed during thick-skinned contractional salt tectonics in a foreland fold-and-thrust belt.Dry quartz sand simulated brittle sedimentary rocks,and viscous silicon polymer simulated viscous rock salt.During the shortening,the salt layer strongly decoupled deformation in the suprasah overburden from that in the subsalt strata.Overburden structures mainly comprised box folds,fore-and back-thrusts,and pop-ups,whereas subsalt structures comprised fore-and back-thrusts and pop-ups.Faults did not propagate across the salt layer and were confined within either the overburden or the subsalt strata.Structures in the fold-and-thrust belt showed no consistent vergence.The profile of the Coulomb wedge of the deformation belt comprised a flat segment and a forward-sloping segment;the flat part corresponded to the area where the subsah pop-up had uplifted the overlying salt and overburden layers.No diapiric salt structures were formed during the shortening.Comparative modeling showed that thin.skined contractional salt tectonics created similar structures in the suprasah overburden to those in the thick-skined models.However,the overall profile of the Coulomb wedge in the thin-skined model had a lower taper.On the other hand.a model lacking a salt layer created an entirelydifferent structural style.In the model lacking the salt,fore-thrusts and tight folds dominated the fold-and-thrust belt,and the structures showed a very strong and consistent basinward vergence.Among all the models,the model lacking the salt had the highest Coulomb wedge taper.
    Cenozoic Sedimentation Characteristics of Jiuxi Basin and Uplift History of Northern Qilian Mountain
    LU Jie-min, GUO Zhao-jie, ZHAO Ze-hui, ZHANG Zhi-cheng
    2004, 10(1):  50-61. 
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    Upper Cretaceous-Eocene strata are typically absent in northern Qilian Mountain and Jiuxi Basin,at the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau,The Basin contains a succession of Neogene(Oligocene)-Quatemary fluvial strata that unconformably overlie the Lower Cretaceous rocks.The Oligocene Huoshaogou Formation is exposed only at the northern part of the basin and balking southward. On the basis of pa1eocurrent data and seismic profiles we suggest that its source area is from north.The Oligocene Baiyanghe Formation is popularly exposed in the basin and between some thrust sheets in the mountain.The formation in the mountain consists of coarse elastic alluvial piedmont deposits that are different from the fluvial-lacustrine sediments in the basin.The sedimentation characteristics and paleocurent measurements show that the sediments are from the northern Qilian Mountain in south.We suggest that uplifting ofthe northern Qilian Mountain occurred no later than late Oligocene.Rock samples from Mesozoic-Cenozoic strata show that the representative heavy minerals increase abruptly in the Baiyanghe Formation.The relative contents and modal proportions of heavy minerals,the heavy minaral ratios(ATi and GZi)and the parameter ZTR all suggest that the mineral maturity is low and tectonic activity is strong in Oligocene.We interpret that the Oligocene heavy mineral pulses are important record of initial uplift and exhumation of the northern Qilian Mountain.
    Multiple Superposition Ductile Shear Zone in Hushan Region,Southern Edge of Su-lu Orogenic Belt
    PAN Ming-bao1 2, CHEN Huo-gen2, XIE Guo-ai1, ZHANG Qing-long1, LU Hua-fu1, CHEN Shou-ju2
    2004, 10(1):  62-69. 
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    Multiple superposition ductile shear zone,where multiple ductile movements activated entirely or nearly in same shear zone,is a common feature in gneiss complex of the Precambrian orogenic belts.Based on the studies of deformation mechanisms,dynamic properties and deformed metamorphic mineral generations,and to analyse the regional structural sequence and build a regional scheme of events correctly,we investigated the multiple superposition ductile shear zone in Hushan area,Donghai county,Jiangsu Province.The results suggest that there are three generations of ductile shear activities. The first is detachment movement with feldspar stretching lineationes in felsic mylonites an domphacite-garnet differentiation layers in deformed eclogites.Th e second is ductile thrust movement with kyanite and muscovite(partly 3-T phengite)and zoisite stretching lineations and garnet ougens in eclogite mylonites.The third is semibritfle thrust movement with s-c foliations and quartz ribbons in felsic s-c mylonites.
    A Preliminary Study on 2-D Wide Angle Seismic Profiling in Area of High Velocity Basalt Layer in the Northern Jiangling Depression,Hubei Province
    HU Zhong-ping1 2, GU Lian-xing1, WANG Liang-shu1, HU Wen-xua1, WU Da-li2
    2004, 10(1):  70-77. 
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    The problem of high velocity impedance has become one of the obstacles in the oil and gas exploration in south China.A special survey should be adopted for getting the seismic imaging beneath the high velocity basalt layer.In area ofthe high velocity impedeace,the reflection signals are weak,so that we obtain the seismic image hardly.It is very important to increase length of of set in the seismic data acquisition to get the deep seismic reflection.There are three methods for the wide angle seismic profiling to solve the high velocity impedance problem.The first is to delineate the structure of the top and bettom of the impedance layer and to obtain the velocity of the basement from the refraction seismic data.The second is to get rid of the noise near offset to improve the quality of the imageing using the wide reflection.The third is to get image for the low velocity layers below the high velocity impedance with converted wave in the high velocity layer.All of them can be combined by using various data to improve the quality of the imaging.Jiangling depression is one of the key prospecting areas in south China.The extensive distribution of basalt in this area deteriorates the seismic data seriously.The reflections are not clear,the S/N ratio is low,the event continuity is bad,and the multiples are strong.In order to get the clear structure,we increased the length of the offset.Unfortunately,more difficulty in seismic data processing appeared. Besides the complex seismic waves and signals,the most important problem is the obvious anisotropic characteristics alongside the length increasing.Much research work has been done about the time-distance curve of the seismic waves in the various media.Conventional NMO is not available to achieve seismic imaging of the long offset.The deep seismic imaging and the analysis of seismic amplitude characteristics can be achieved only based on the phase correction.A fourth order correction can be made by the three terms of Taylor serie given by Taner and Koehler.Using more than two terms of the Taylor series can improve velocity analysis and CMP stacking .However,a simple truncation generally causes a significant travel time error at very large offset-to-depth ratio.To have a travel time approximation with good accuracy at large offsets,a high order long offset NMO correction (LNMO) was used.
    Using Linear Free Energy Relationship to Predict the Thermodynamic Properties of Aqueous Metal Complexes
    Xu Hui-fang1, Wang Yi-feng2
    2004, 10(1):  78-87. 
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    The Sverjensky-Moiling linear free energy relationship was originally developed to correlate the Gibbs free energies of formation of an isostrutural family of solid phases to the thermodynamic properties of aqueous cations.In this report,we demonstrate that the similar relationship also exists between metal complexes and simple metal cations in aqueous solutions.We extend the Sverjensky-Molling relationship to predict the Gibbs free energies of formation or dissociation constants for a family of metal complexes with a given complexing ligand.The discrepancies between the predicted and experimental data are generally less than 1.5 kcal/mol(or one log unit for stability constants).The use of this linear free energy correlation Can significanfly enhance our ability to predict the speciation,mobility,and toxicity of heavy metals in natural environments.
    Mesozoic Basalt and Mineral Chemistry of the Mantle-Derived Xenocrysts in Feixian, Western Shandong, China: Constraints on Nature of Mesozoic Lithospheric Mantle
    PEI Fu-ping, XU Wen-liang, WANG Qing-hai, WANG Dong-yan
    2004, 10(1):  88-97. 
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    Mesozoic basalt in Feixian, western Shandong, is composed of alkaline basalt with K-Ar age of 119 Ma. Abundant mantle-derived xenocrysts such as olivine, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene can be found in the basalt. The circle cracks occur in the olivine xenocrysts. The Mg# values of the olivine xenocrysts range from 90.0 to 93.0(ave. 91.5). The typical reaction rims can be found between pyroxene xenocrysts and host rock. The Mg# values of the orthopyroxenes and clinopyroxenes are 88.0~93.5(ave. 90.4)and 86 0~91.7(ave. 88.4), respectively. The mineral compositions of the xenocrysts are similar to those of the mantle-derived peridotites in Cenozoic basalts of eastern China, which implies that they should be the fragments of the mantle peridotite carried by the host magma and represent a new accreted lithospheric mantle. Petro-geochemical data of Feixian basalt indicate that this is characteristic of mantle-derived primary magma. High Isr, 1ow εNd(t)and depletion of high field strength elements (HFSE)in the basalt could be related to the mixed melting of the broken-off subducted slab(the eclogites in the Su-Lu orogen)and the material from the asthenosphere.
    Nanometer Scale Study on Reaction of Palygorskite with Acid: Reaction Mechanism and Change of Specific Surface Area
    CHEN Tian-hu1, XU Hui-fang2, PENG Shu-chuan1, WANG Jia-quan1, XU Xiao-chun1
    2004, 10(1):  98-105. 
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    morphology and specific surface area (SSA)for n1e products after acid treatment of palygorskite were investigated by TEM and BET-SSA and the reaction mechanism between palygorskite and acid was discussed. The results indicate that the reaction between palygorskite and acid be longs to a reaction of proton diffusion from exterior surface rather than from channels. The rate of reaction is controlled by diffusion through the file of silicon acid which is formed by the reaction. The reaction yields concurrent dissolution of tetrahedron and octahedron cations from two ends of the palygorskite crystals and variant dissolution of the tetrahedron and octahedron cations from the columns. The mesoporous structure of palygorskite after acid treatment is caused by the partial dissolution of tetrahedral silicon from the columns. SSA increase of palygorskite is resulted from asymmetrical and discontinuous dissolution of octahedral cations and local dissolution of tetrahedral silicon, which results in opening of channels and enlargement of aperture diameter.
    Late Paleozoic Adakite and Nb-enriched Basalt from Northern Xinjiang: Evidence for the Southward Subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean
    ZHANG Hai-xiang1, NIU He-cai1, Hiroaki Sato2, SHAN Qiang1, YU Xue-yuan1, Jun'ichi Ito2, ZHANG Qi3
    2004, 10(1):  106-113. 
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    An adakite and Nb-enriched basalt association is found in early Devonian Group in north Junggar, Xinjiang, northwest China. This association is very important not only for studying the southward subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean, but also provides an ideal research project for evolution of northern margin of the Kazakhstan-Junggar Plate in Late Paleozoic. The geochemical results show that the geochemical characteristics of the andesitic rocks in this area are consistent with those of adakites. They have high Al203, Na20 and Sr contents, and high Sr/Y ratio. HREEE and Y in the samples are obviously depleted. M0RB-normalized trace element spider diagram shows negative Nb, Ta anomalies and remarkably positive Sr anomaly with very strong HFSE depletion. Their chrondrite-normalized REE patterns show no Eu anomaly and HREE depletion. The geochemical features of the associated Nb-enriched basalts are very similar to those of typical Nb-enriched basalts. They are Si02 overstraturated and Na-enriched, and are distinguishable from the typical arc basalts which are characteristic of high Nb, Ti, P contents, and HSFE enrichment. The projections of the adakites fall into the mantle array area that is defined by oceanic basalt in the 87Sr/S6Sr vs 143Nd/144Nd diagram. It means that the adakite was derived from the partial melting of the Palaeo-Asian oceanic crust, and the Nb-enriched basalt was originated by the partial melting of the mantle wedge which was slightly contaminated by the continental crust. Because the adakite and Nb-enriched basalt are related with ocean plate subduction, the distribution of the association in northern Junggar indicates that the Palaeo-Asian oceanic crest subducted southwards beneath the Kazakhstan-Junggar Plate in Early Devonian.
    Remote Sensing Exploration Model on Polymetallic Mineralizations in Huangshan Area, Hami Region
    WU Yun-zhao1 2, TIAN Qing-jiu2, CHEN Jun1, JI Jun-feng1, ZHANG Min1
    2004, 10(1):  114-120. 
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    The eastern Tianshan aera is rich in Au, Cu, Ni, and Mo mineral resources. Due to the large areas, it is time-consuming and relatively expensive to explore the mineral deposits by only using the traditional methods. The remote sensing approach, which call allow for synoptic and repetitive coverage of large areas in a cost-effective way, has become an attractive tool for exploring the mineral resources. In our study, based on the existing geological data, the LANDSAT-ETM image was used as a remote sensing technique, which is very rapid and sensitive for such an arid area with low vegetation cover. Firstly, the tectonic information was extracted by applying convolution filters to the ETM image. Based on the filter results, a potential mineralization area was determined. Next, in the area determined, the alteration information was extracted by combinging a ration of ETM bands with principal component analysis. Hence the target district for exploring was found, and an remote esnsing exploration model for Huangshan ploymetallic mineralization area was established.
    Mesozoic and Cenozoic Maturity Curve of Jiyang Depression and Its Application in Calculation of Strata Denudation
    SONG Ming-shui
    2004, 10(1):  121-127. 
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    Controlled by geothermics, the vitrinite reflectance of samples shows an exponential relation with depth. Based on abundant data, the Cenozoic maturity curve of Jiyang Depression was simulated in this paper. Furthermore, according to the difference in the paleogeothermal information and the paleotemperatures on the surface between the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, the Mesozoic maturity curve in this area was calculated. This also provided a reference for analyzing and determining the maturity of source rocks. Based on this, accompanied by the relationship between thermal history and structural fluctuation, two methods of using vitrinite reflectance to calculate the strata denudation were introduced and applied in the calculation of strata denudation for unconformity between the Mesozoic and Cenozoic in Jiyang Depression. Our investigation indicates that more than 3 000 m rocks were eroded as a result of the Indonesian movement that happened in Late Triassic. The eroded strata include the whole Early Triassic and Middle Triassic strata and a part of the top of Carboniferous. The absence of the Triassic in the a of Jiyang Depression was caused by denudation.
    GIS and Pre-Process of Finite Element Method for Slope Stability Analysis
    WANG Bao-jun, SHI Bin, ZHOU Hui-guang, CAI Yi
    2004, 10(1):  128-133. 
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    Finite element method (FEM) is an effective method for the slope stability analysis. However, the pre-process of FEM is time-consuming and miscellaneous. Geographic information system (GIS), as a new information technique, has not only powerful functions in data management and spatial analysis, but also has capability of data processing and plotting. In this paper, through an example, the basic principle and a brief work flow of pre-process in FEM are introduced.
    Study on the 3D Perspective Method for the Areas with Shallow Quaternary Cover: Taking the Northwest of the Taihu Lake as an Example
    ZHANG Xiang-yun1 2, ZHANG Qing-long1, SHAO Jia-ji2
    2004, 10(1):  134-144. 
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    Using the method of the anatomic drawing, the authors studied the shallow Quaternary cover in the northwest of the Taihu Lake from an angle of 3D stratigraphic perspective. The anatomic drawing expresses the lithological characteristics, thickness and sedimentary structural features, especially the 3D changes of the Neogene and Quaternary systems intuitvely. In this way, we could recognize the environment at the time of deposition and the lithological distribution on the terraces. In the meanwhile, it can show the features of uplift and sybsidence of the basement during the early Neogene. Even more, the drawing provides a new method and steady basic geological data to research the neotectonic movements, correlate the strata and establish the depositional structural model of the area. It should be emphasizd that the stratigraphic correlation and the multiple subdivision of the Quaternary system are essential for this method.