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高校地质学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (2): 229-239.DOI: 10.16108/j.issn1006-7493.2020008

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马新雨1,王 俊2,周 欣2,张 云1*,徐永福3   

  1. 1. 南京大学 地球科学与工程学院,南京 210023;
    2. 苏锡常南部通道建设指挥部,无锡 214000;
    3. 上海交通大学 船舶海洋与建筑工程学院,上海 200240
  • 出版日期:2021-04-20 发布日期:2021-04-20

3-Dimensional Simulation of Land Subsidence with Consideration of Dewatering and Foundation Pit Excavation

MA Xinyu1,WANG Jun2,ZHOU Xin2,ZHANG Yun1*,XU Yongfu3   

  1. 1. School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China;
    2. The Headquarter of Passage Construction of Southern Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou, Wuxi 214000, China;
    3. School of Naval Architecture, Ocean & Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
  • Online:2021-04-20 Published:2021-04-20

摘要: 明挖法是隧道施工中常用的一种方法,但其降水和开挖施工不可避免地会引起周围地面沉降。为了防止隧道施工对周围环境及建筑物产生严重的不良影响,地面沉降控制是检验施工支护设计合理性的关键。隧道施工造成地面沉降的主要原因有降水、开挖和支护作业,以往研究大多集中于单一因素的影响分析,为使分析结果更接近于工程实际,需将三者综合考虑,从全过程的角度进行三维模拟计算。为此,结合无锡市某湖底隧道建设,利用ABAQUS 有限元分析软件建立了三维模型,选取具有不同开挖围护结构方案的两个代表性区段,对隧道降水和开挖施工引起周围土体的位移和地面沉降进行模拟研究,模拟中考虑了止水帷幕、挡土墙和桩基础的施工,降水施工,以及开挖和支撑施工等,模拟结果与现场实测数据进行了对比验证,模拟结果表明:(1)随着与基坑距离的增加,土体从隆起逐渐转变为沉降继而再逐渐减小,开挖施工和降水施工对最终地面沉降量的占比分别为30%~40% 和60%~70%;(2)采用钻孔灌注桩围护的直立开挖段产生的地面沉降要大于同样深度的放坡开挖段;(3)桩基础有助于控制地面沉降。

关键词: 地面沉降, 隧道, 降水施工, 开挖施工, 三维数值模拟

Abstract: Cut and cover method is a common method in tunnel construction, but it inevitably cause land subsidence. To protect urrounding environment and buildings from severe adverse effects, land subsidence is a key factor to assure that the construction supporting design is reasonable. In the process of the construction, the main factors that can cause disturbance are dewatering, excavation and supporting. Previous studies were mostly focused on the influence of one single factor. To better understand actual cases, these three factors should be jointly taken into consideration and a three-dimensional simulation involving the whole construction process is needed. Based on the construction of a tunnel under a lake in Wuxi, two three-dimensional numerical models were built with ABAQUS software in this paper, and each model was designed to represent one section with a specific excavation and supporting plan. The models were employed to simulate land subsidence and soil displacement caused by dewatering and foundation pit excavation. The simulation can represent the construction of cut-off wall, retaining wall, pile foundation, dewatering, excavation, and supports. The simulated results have also been examined by the measurement data from the tunnel construction. The results show that (1) with the increasing distance to the foundation pit, the displacement of soil changes from uplift to subsidence and then gradually decreases. The proportions resulting from excavation and dewatering to the final settlement are 30%-40% and 60%-70%, respectively. (2) the ground settlement of the section supported by bored piles is greater than that of the step-slope excavation section with the same excavaing depth. (3) pile foundations are helpful for controlling ground subsidence.

Key words: land subsidence, tunnel, dewatering, pit excavation, three-dimensional numerical simulation
