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高校地质学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (1): 32-44.DOI: 10.16108/j.issn1006-7493.2020105

• DDE专栏 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国地质大学(北京)地球科学与资源学院,北京 100083
  • 出版日期:2021-02-20 发布日期:2021-03-02

Dinosaur-related Database Development and Examples of Data-driven Discovery

LIANG Qingqing,XING Lida*   

  1. School of Earth Sciences and Resources, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China
  • Online:2021-02-20 Published:2021-03-02

摘要: 恐龙是知名度最高的古生物类群之一,在中生代处于陆地优势生态位,这对研究地球生命演化具有重要意义。近年来,随着恐龙学数据的激增以及统计分析手段的进步,全球涌现出多种类型的恐龙相关数据库。文章对这些数据库进行了调研和分析,并将其分成纯科普型、特定目标型和全面型三种类型。但严格来说,它们都不是真正意义上的系统、全面的恐龙学数据库,分别存在着数据涵盖不全、结构体系不合理、缺乏长期可持续性等缺点。因此,在深时数字地球(Deeptime Digital Earth,简称DDE)大科学计划的助力下,搭建起兼具科学性与科普性的恐龙学数据库,不仅能够促进深时地球生命演化的研究,还能提升大众对DDE 的了解。

关键词: 恐龙学, 数据库, 生命演化, 科普

Abstract: Dinosaurs are one of high profile symbols in paleontology. They dominated the Mesozoic terrestrial and marine ecosystems and therefore are of great significance to study the Earth evolution. In recent years, along with the rapid increase dinosaurology data and
the quick fusion of data science and paleontology, various types of dinosaur-related databases have been constructed worldwide. Those
databases serve for different purposes. Some mainly contain introductions for the aim of popular science, some are built for specific research targets and others are comprehensive paleontological database containing dinosaur data. Because none of them is a professional dinosaur database, common defects such as incomplete data coverage and poor data structure, could be found and none has long-term sustainability. With the help of the Deep-time Digital Earth (DDE) big science project, to construct a professional dinosaur database combining the purposes of scientific research and popular science, can promote both the dinosaur evolution study and the public understanding for paleontology.

Key words: dinosaurology, database, evolution, popular science
