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高校地质学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (6): 625-654.DOI: 10.16108/j.issn1006-7493.2021011

• 微生物岩土与地质工程专辑 •    下一篇


唐朝生,泮晓华,吕 超,董志浩,刘 博,王殿龙,李 昊,程瑶佳,施 斌   

  1. 南京大学 地球科学与工程学院,南京 210023
  • 出版日期:2021-12-20 发布日期:2022-01-06

Bio-geoengineering Technology and the Applications

TANG Chaosheng*,PAN Xiaohua,LYU Chao,DONG Zhihao,LIU Bo,WANG Dianlong,LI Hao,CHENG Yaojia,SHI Bin#br#   

  1. School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China
  • Online:2021-12-20 Published:2022-01-06

摘要: 微生物地质工程技术是将微生物参与的生化过程加以控制和利用,来解决工程地质问题的一类新型岩土体水—力学特性改性技术。研究表明该技术具有低成本、环境友好、低能耗和过程可控的优点,是工程地质界近些年的一个热门研究内容,也是现代工程地质学科的重要发展方向。文章基于当前该技术取得的研究进展,系统总结了能被加以控制和高效利用的三种代表性微生物地质工程技术(微生物成矿作用、微生物膜作用及微生物产气作用)的原理及其应用领域。着重对研究最多、应用前景最广的微生物成矿作用改性岩土体力学特性、渗透特性、抗侵蚀性等工程性质及机理进行了阐述,并深入探讨了影响微生物成矿作用改性效果的关键因素(细菌种类、菌液浓度、环境温度、pH值、胶结液、土体性质及灌浆工艺)。此外,文章还详细论述了微生物成矿作用在地基处理、岛礁建设、防风固沙、水土保持、抗裂防渗、文物保护、地灾防治等领域的应用现状,并探讨了该技术当前面临的主要挑战及未来的重点研究方向。

关键词: 微生物地质工程技术, 微生物诱导方解石沉淀(MICP), 微生物矿化, 工程地质, 岩土体改性, 防灾减灾

Abstract: Bio-geoengineering technology is defined as a technology that using various types of microbial biochemical process to improve the hydro-mechanical behavior of soil and rock, aiming for the prevention and mitigation of engineering geology problems. Previous studies indicate that bio-geoengineering technology is a hot research topic in recent years and has the advantages of low cost, environmental friendliness, low energy consumption and process controllable. It has been recognized as an important development direction of modern engineering geology. Based on research progress on this topic, this paper systematically summarizes the principles and application fields of three representative bio-geoengineering technologies that can be well controlled and efficiently used, including bio-mineralization, bio-film growth and bio-gas production. It focuses on the engineering properties (i.e. mechanical behavior, permeability, and erosion resistance) and the corresponding involved mechanisms of the rock and soil improved by bio-mineralization that have been studied the most and with the broadest application prospects. Moreover, the key factors (i.e. bacteria species, bacterial solution concentration, environmental temperature, pH value, cementation solution composition, soil nature and grouting technology) that affect the improvement effect of bio-mineralization are discussed in depth. In addition, the application status of bio-mineralization in foundation treatment, island and reef construction, wind and sand fixation, soil and water conservation, crack resistance and seepage prevention, cultural relics protection, geological disaster prevention and other fields are introduced in detail. The main challenges of the application of bio-mineralization are listed, and the future research directions on this topic are proposed.

Key words: bio-geoengineering technology, microbially induced carbonate precipitation (MICP), bio-mineralization, engineering
rock and soil improvement, disaster prevention and mitigation
