
高校地质学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (6): 902-910.DOI: 10.16108/j.issn1006-7493.2021099

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卢 毅1*,卜 凡2,蔡田露1,龚绪龙1,陆 华1,万佳俊1,王 梓2,顾 凯3   

  1. 1.自然资源部地裂缝地质灾害重点实验室(江苏省地质调查研究院), 南京 210049;
    2. 河海大学 地球科学与工程学院, 南京 211100;
    3.南京大学 地球科学与工程学院, 南京 210023
  • 出版日期:2022-12-20 发布日期:2022-12-20

Study on the Effects of Various Environment Temperatures and Sand Contents on Shrinkage and Cracking of Clayey Soil

LU Yi1*,BU Fan2,CAI Tianlu1,GONG Xulong1,LU Hua1,WAN Jiajun1,WANG Zi2,GU Kai3   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Earth Fissures Geological Disaster, Ministry of Natural Resources (Geological Survey of Jiangsu Province), Nanjing 210049, China;
    2. School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China;
    3. School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China
  • Online:2022-12-20 Published:2022-12-20

摘要: 在工程建设与自然环境中,土体因失水而产生收缩、开裂的过程受多重因素的影响,且各因素之间的相互作用关系十分复杂。其中,环境温度在土体开裂的起始与结束中,起至关重要的影响;同时,鲜见关于土体内部黏土、砂粒配比对于裂隙发育影响的研究。故本研究设置了不同环境温度、含砂率条件,展开一系列室内蒸发试验,通过记录试验过程中土体内部水分散失以及表面裂隙发育、发展情况,利用相关图形分析软件,对裂隙率、裂隙网络的几何形态进行定量分析,进而探究不同温度、含砂率对土体干缩、开裂的影响机理。研究结果表明:(1)砂粒的存在,导致土体内部的结构发生改变,部分输水通道被堵塞,从而延长了自由水的运移路径,水分蒸发速率随着含砂率的增加而降低。(2)砂粒的存在将导致土体表面提前产生开裂,此现象受含砂率的影响较小,与是否含砂有关。(3)土体内部含砂率越高,裂隙发育纵深越小,延伸长度越短,同时裂隙的宽度与含砂率呈反比。(4)相同含砂率条件下,环境温度越高,水分蒸发速率、土体表面形成的裂隙宽度越大,且在一定程度上促使表面裂隙提前产生。

关键词: 环境温度, 含砂率, 水分运移, 蒸发速率, 裂隙发育

Abstract: In either a engineering construction or a natural environment, the processes of shrinkage and cracking of soil due to water loss are affected by multiple factors, and the interactions among the factors are very complex. Among these factors, changes in temperature conditions affect the beginning and ending of cracking, which plays a vital role. But there is little information about the influence of internal viscosity and sand ratio on crack development. In this study, a series of indoor evaporation tests are carried out under different environmental temperatures and sand content conditions. By recording the internal water loss and the development of surface cracks, the crack ratio and the geometric shape of the crack networks are quantitatively analyzed using relevant graphic analytical software, which allows to explore the influence mechanism of different temperatures and sand contents on soil shrinkage and cracking. The finding may provide some references for the evaporation and crack development of sand-clay mixture in practical engineering and environment. The results show that: (1) The existence of sandy soil led to changes in the internal structure of the soil and changes in some water conveyance channels, which prolonged the migration path of free water; (2) The existence of sand resulted in early cracking of the soil surface, which is less affected by sand contents and related to whether it contains sand or not; (3) The higher the sand content in the soil, the shallower the depth of crack development and the shorter the extension length of crack. At the same time, the width of a crack is inversely proportional to sand content; (4) Under the condition of the same sand content, the higher the environmental temperatures, the higher the water evaporation rates and the width of cracks formed on the soil surface, i.e., surface cracks, are generated in advance to a certain extent.

Key words: environmental temperature, sand content, moisture movement, evaporation rate, fracture development
