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高校地质学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (5): 776-787.DOI: 10.16108/j.issn1006-7493.2022024

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王 进1,于兴河2*,卢凤豪1,牛小军1,野兆瑞1,杨新涛3   

  1. 1. 河北省煤田地质局 新能源地质队,邢台 054000;
    2. 中国地质大学(北京) 能源学院,北京 100083;
    3. 中国石油新疆油田分公司 第一采油厂,克拉玛依 834000
  • 出版日期:2023-10-11 发布日期:2023-10-10

Sedimentary Characteristics of the Triassic Karamay Formation in the North Hongshanzui Area, Junggar Basin

WANG Jin1,YU Xinghe2*,LU Fenghao1,NIU Xiaojun1,YE Zhaorui1,YANG xintao3   

  1. 1. New Energy Geological Team, Hebei Provincial Provincal Bureau of Coal Geology, Xingtai 054000, China;
    2. School of Energy Resources, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China;
    3. No. 1 Oil Production Plant, Xinjiang Oilfield Company, PetroChina, Karamay 834000, China
  • Online:2023-10-11 Published:2023-10-10

摘要: 红山嘴北部的克上组与克下组地层存在明显的沉积差异。为明确克拉玛依组沉积特征及成因,利用地震、钻测井、岩心及分析化验等资料,对克拉玛依组的岩矿特征、岩相类型、沉积相类型与展布进行研究。结果表明:克下组为以牵引流为主的辫状河沉积,发育辫状河道(Gi→St→Sp→(Sh)→Md)、心滩(St→Sp↔Sm)及冲积平原(Mr↔Md→Fr),河道砂体呈条带展布,多呈孤立状分布于厚层泥岩中;克上组为碎屑流、洪流与牵引流共同作用下扇三角洲沉积,平原发育辫状河道(Gmm→Gcm→Gi→Sh)、辫状分支河道(Gcm→Gi↔Gt)与辫流坝微相(Gp↔Gi→Gcm),前缘发育水下分流河道(Gi→Gt→Gp→St)、河口坝(Md→Sp↔Sw)及水下分流间湾微相(Md↔Sc),所沉积的厚层砂砾岩体相互切割叠置,连片分布,连通性好。受控于物源体系前移与供给强度的增加、古气候由干旱—半干旱向半湿润—湿润转变及湖平面上升,研究区克拉玛依组经历了由辫状河向扇三角洲转变的沉积演化。

关键词: 辫状河, 扇三角洲, 垂向序列, 沉积演化, 克拉玛依组, 红山嘴北部

Abstract: The obvious sedimentary differences can be found between the upper and lower parts of the Karamay Formation in the north of Hongshanzui. To determine the sedimentary characteristics of the Karamay Formation, the seismic, core logging, and analytical data were used to analyze the rock and mineral characteristics, typical lithofacies, and sedimentary facies of the Karamay Formation. The results show that the lower Karamay Formation is characterized by the braided river deposits with obvious traction-current deposition, which is mainly composed of braided channel (Gi → St → Sp → (Sh) → Md), braided bar (St→Sp↔Sm), and alluvial plain (Mr↔Md → Fr). The channel sand-bodies are banded and mostly isolated from thick mudstone. The upper Karamay Formation is dominated by fan-delta with debris flow, density flow and tractioncurrent deposits. The braided channel (Gmm→Gcm→Gi→Sh), braided distributary channel (Gcm→Gi↔Gt) and braided bar (Gp↔Gi→Gcm) are developed in the fan-delta plain. The underwater distributary channel (Gi→Gt→Gp→St), mouth bar (Md→Sp↔Sw) and interdistributary bay (Md↔Sc) are developed in the fan-delta front. The thick stacked sandy conglomerate bodies are scours and overlap with each other and also characterized by good connectivity and broad distribution. The transformation from the braided river to fan-delta in the Karamay Formation is mainly controlled by the forwarded provenance system and increased supply capacity, the transition of the paleoclimate from arid and semi-arid to sub-humid and humid, and the lake level rise. 

Key words: braided river, fan-delta, sedimentary sequences, depositional evolution, Karamay Formation, North Hongshanzui area
