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高校地质学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (02): 165-177.DOI: 10.16108/j.issn1006-7493.2023013

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  1. 内生金属矿床成因机制研究国家重点实验室,地质流体研究所,南京大学 地球科学与工程学院,关键地球物质循环前沿科学中心,南京 210023
  • 出版日期:2024-04-20 发布日期:2024-04-20

Evalution of Water in Lunar Interior and Water Ice on Lunar Surface

WU Yanwei,HE Jiafeng,WANG Guoguang*   

  1. State key Laboratory for Mineral Deposits Research, Institute of Geo-fluids, School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing
    University, Frontiers Science, Center for Critical Earth Material Cycling, Nanjing 210023, China
  • Online:2024-04-20 Published:2024-04-20

摘要: 水是地球上的生命之源,也是未来星际旅行重要的推进剂材料,因此在人类对月球和其他地外天体的探测过程中,水是最受关注的战略资源之一。美国Apollo和前苏联Luna登月计划之后二十多年间,月球“无水”的观点曾被广泛接受。文章系统阐述了月球内部水和月表水研究进展、月球水成因、水资源量评估和开发利用方法。近年对月表水资源的探测和月球样品中水含量的深入研究,揭示出月球并非“无水”,月球内部含有较为丰富的水,月表的极区可能有可观的水资源,月表中低纬度地区也广泛存在太阳风成因的水。月球的水成因主要包括自身来源的水、小行星和彗星来源水、太阳风成因水等。据估测,月表极区水冰的资源量约为142.8亿吨,月表太阳风成因水含量约为34万吨,为未来月球基地的建设和深空探测提供了重要的资源保障。并就月球水资源利用的提出多种开发利用方案,包括热能采矿法、月球极地推进剂开采前哨战、钻取一体化开发利用系统等。

关键词: 矿物结合水, 水冰, 资源量, 极区, 月球

Abstract: In the process of lunar exploration, water, as the source of life and an important propellant material for future interstellar travel, is one of the most concerned resources. Since United States Apollo and Soviet Union Lunar projects, the paradigm of “no water” on the Moon has been widely accepted for a long time. In this paper, the research progress on lunar interior water and surface water, the origin of lunar water, the evaluation of water resources, and the methods of exploitation and utilization are systematically reviewed. In recent years, the exploration of water resources on the lunar surface and the in-depth study of water content in lunar samples have revealed that the Moon may contain more water than that previously believed. Not only the interior of the Moon contains relatively abundant water, there are also considerable water resources in the polar region of the Moon. The origin of water on the Moon mainly includes original water that was not degassed during formation and differentiation of the Moon, water from asteroids and comets, and water from solar wind hydrogen implantation. It is estimated that the amount of water ice on the lunar surface is about 14.28 billion tons, and the amount of water caused by solar wind implantation on the lunar surface is about 340,000 tons, which will provide important resources for the construction of lunar bases and deep space exploration in the future. At present, a variety of development and utilization schemes have been proposed for the utilization of lunar water resources, including Thermal Mining of Water Ice on the Moon, Lunar Polar Propellant Mining Outpost (LPMO), The Combined System for Drilling and Extracting Lunar Water Ice and so on.

Key words: water in minerals, water ice, resource reserves, polar regions, the Moon
