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高校地质学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (05): 603-612.DOI: 10.16108/j.issn1006-7493.2023052

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谭 谣,漆继红*,许 模,郑童心,王钟毓,王 帅   

  1. 成都理工大学 环境与土木工程学院,成都 610059
  • 出版日期:2024-10-20 发布日期:2024-10-20

Application of Fractal Characteristics of Drill Hole Karst Geology in Analyzing the Degree of Karst Development

TAN Yao,QI Jihong*,XU Mo,ZHENG Tongxin,WANG Zhongyu,WANG Shuai   

  1. College of Environment and Civil Engineering, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059, China
  • Online:2024-10-20 Published:2024-10-20

摘要: 现有岩溶发育程度分析以区域尺度的概略认识为主,而地形地貌、地下水径流等因素的影响下同一地质单元内岩溶发育程度仍具有差异,区域性的概略认识常无法满足场地尺度精细化岩溶发育程度分析的要求。钻孔岩芯资料是工程场地岩溶发育特征研究的重要资料,但由于存在取芯率以及长大陡倾—垂向溶蚀裂隙等各种因素的影响,利用传统的溶蚀统计方法表征岩溶发育程度存在一定的缺陷。该论文在收集工程范围内的钻孔资料的基础上,从岩溶分形理论的角度出发,结合钻孔图像识别系统及图形分形计算程序厘定岩溶发育程度判别指数(IKAF),提出一种适用于场地尺度、高精度的岩溶发育程度辨识方法。利用该研究方法对绵竹市石亭江中上游流域左岸山区的水库场地钻孔资料进行研究分析,结果显示该方法能快速且准确识别钻孔内岩溶发育的形态,减小长大陡倾—垂向溶蚀裂隙发育对溶蚀率定量的误差,利用该方法得出的岩溶发育程度与野外调查宏观溶蚀现象反映的岩溶发育程度基本一致。该研究方法是传统溶蚀发育程度分析方法的有益补充。

关键词: 分形理论, 钻孔图像识别, 分形评价指数, 岩溶发育程度

Abstract: The existing analysis of the degree of karst development is mainly based on the general understanding of regional scale, but under the influence of topography, landform, groundwater runoff and other factors. The degree of karst development in the same geological unit varies and the regional general understanding of karst development often cannot meet the requirements of site-scale karst development degree analysis. A drill hole data is an important source for studying karst development characteristics at the engineering site. But various factors such as the core recovery rate and the large long steep dip-vertical karst fractures can influence the estimates for the karst development degree using the traditional karst statistical methods. By collecting drill holes data within the scope of the project and using the karst fractal theory, this paper combined the borehole image recognition system and the graphic fractal calculation program to determine the karst development degree discriminant index (IKAF), and proposed a site-scale, high-precision karst development degree identification method. The drill hole data of a reservoir site in the left bank mountainous area of the middle and upper reaches of the Shiting River basin in Mianzhu were analyzed using this method. The results show that this method can quickly and accurately identify the morphology of karst development in the drilling hole, reducing errors in determining the karst rate caused by the development of long and steep to vertical karst fractures. The degree of karst development obtained using this method is basically consistent with the degree of karst development reflected by the karst phenomena such as sinkholes and karst caves obtained from field investigations. This method is a beneficial addition to the traditional method in analyzing the degree of karst development. 

Key words: fractal theory;Drill Hole Image Recognition, fractal evaluation index, degree of karst development
