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车遥1, 孙振亚2, 陈敬中1
CHE Yao1, SUN Zhen-ya2, CHEN Jin-zhong1
摘要: 在自然界水体中生活及实验室培养的铁细菌细胞,可以沉淀各种铁矿物,其中以铁的氢氧化物和氧化物最常见。细菌的荷电表面可以吸附金属,并且它们新陈代谢产生的排泄物进入周围环境还可诱发生物矿化作用。细菌在水系中普遍存在并具有固有的生物成矿能力 ,因此,它们在控制现代和古代沉积环境中铁的循环起到极为重要的作用。
Abstract: Bacterial cells, growing naturally in freshwater and marine environments or experimentally in culture, can precipitate a variety of authigen ic iron minerals. Iron hydroxides and oxides are commonest among them. This pape r introduces several mechanisms of microbial mineralizations of iron, including hydroxides, oxides, magnetite, and silicates etc. According to the relationship between biomineralizations and living things, there are two kinds of biominerali zations: the biologic ally induced mineralization and the biologically controlled mineralization. Bact eria may bind metals on charge surface, and their metabolic waste products in th e surrounding environment may induce mineralizations. From the freshwater to the marine environments, from the ancient to the modern geochemical cycles, bacteria get involved in iron circulation from the microcycles to the world scale. The u b iquitous presence of bacteria in aquatic systems and their inherent ability to b iomineralizations, therefore, makes them important agents in driving both modern and ancient geochemical cycles. In addition, the study of biomineralizations can be applied to a variety of fields, including civil engineering, nano-materials and environment protection.
车遥, 孙振亚, 陈敬中 . 现代沉积环境中铁的微生物矿化作用 [J]. J4.
CHE Yao1, SUN Zhen-ya2, CHEN Jin-zhong1. Microbial Mineralizations of Iron in Modern Sedimentation Environments[J]. J4.
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