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  1. 1. 中国石油大学(华东) 地球资源与信息学院;山东青岛,266555;2. 胜利油田分公司河口采油厂,山东东营,257200
  • 收稿日期:2010-03-20 修回日期:2010-03-20 出版日期:2010-03-20 发布日期:2010-05-25

Organic Geochemical Characteristics of Source Rocks in Dawangbei Subsag

REN Yong-jun1, YANG Jing-nan1, QIU Long-wei1, LIU Kui-yuan2   

  1. 1. Faculty of Geo-Resource and Information, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao 266555, China;2. Hekou 0il Production Plant of Shengli 0ilfield Company, Dongying 257200, China
  • Received:2010-03-20 Revised:2010-03-20 Online:2010-03-20 Published:2010-05-25

摘要: 根据烃源岩可溶抽提物的色谱和色谱- 质谱分析结果,对大王北洼陷沙四段、沙三段和沙一段烃源岩的饱和烃和芳烃生物标志化合物组合特征进行了对比研究,揭示了三套烃源岩在沉积环境和有机母源输入的不同特征,总结了应用生物标志化合物鉴别三套烃源岩的组合参数特征,为精细的油源对比奠定了基础。研究表明,沙四段烃源岩具有较低的Pr /Ph,4-甲基甾烷同类物中C28 4-甲基系列含量最低、较高的甲藻甾烷含量、较低的重排甾烷含量、异常的C35 升藿烷含量、高伽马蜡烷异常指数、含一定量的奥利烷和较高的硫芴系列化合物含量等特征,反映了沙四段烃源岩形成于高盐度含硫强还原沉积环境,低等水生生物为主,高等植物有明显贡献的混合母源特征。沙三段烃源岩具有较高的Pr /Ph,4-甲基甾烷同类物中C29 4-甲基系列含量最低、几乎不含甲藻甾烷、较高的重排甾烷含量、基本正常的升藿烷分布、低伽马蜡烷异常指数和较低的奥利烷含量等特征,反映了沙三段烃源岩形成于半咸水的一般还原环境,低等水生生物为主,有一定量高等植物有机输入的混合母源特征。沙一段烃源岩具有极低的Pr /Ph,4-甲基甾烷同类物中C28 4-甲基系列含量最低、较高的甲藻甾烷含量、很低的重排甾烷含量、异常的C33 升藿烷含量、高伽马蜡烷异常指数、极低的奥利烷含量和较高的脱羟基维生素E 含量等特征,反映了沙一段烃源岩形成于高盐度强还原沉积环境,低等水生生物占绝对优势的有机母源特征。对研究区烃源岩生物标志化合物成熟度参数随深度的变化进行了分析,结果表明在不同层系中成熟度参数的演化存在显著差异,沉积埋藏历史和沉积环境可能是导致这些差异的原因,为此在应用这些参数进行烃源岩乃至生成石油的成熟度评价时,应使用不同的标准。

Abstract: Using the analytic results of soluble extracted materials by GC and MS-GC, the combination characteristics of saturated hydrocarbon and aromatic hydrocarbon in Members E2S4, E2S3 and E2S1 of the Dawangbei subsag were studied. The different depositional environments and organic matter input characteristics of these three sets of source rocks were revealed,and the biomarker methods to identify the source rocks were presented. The results showed that the source rocks from the Member E2s4 are characterized by lower Pr/Ph, C29-4-methyl steranes and rearranged steranes, high dinoflagellate steranes, abnormal C35 homohopanes, abnormally high gammacerane index, small amount of oleanane and high content of DBT chemical compound,which indicates that these source rocks were developed in hyperhaline, sulfureous and strongly reducing sedimentary environment,predominance of lower-level aquatic organisms and significant contribution of high-level plants in the mixed organic matter input. The source rocks from the Member E2S3 are marked with relatively high Pr/Ph, low C29- 4-methyl steranes, high rearranged steranes, normal homohopanes, abnormally low gammacerane index, lower oleanane and rare dinoflagellate sterane, which shows that these source rocks were formed in the brackish-water reducing environment, and lower aquatic organisms were dominated and some high-level plants were involved in the organic matter input. The source rocks from Member E2s1 are characterized by extremely low content of Pr/Ph, the lowest C28- 4-methyl steranes, relatively high dinoflagellate steranes, lower rearranged steranes,abnormal C33 homohopanes, high gammacerane index, low oleanane and high dehydroxylated vitamin E, which demonstrates that these source rocks were formed in the hyperhaline and strongey reducing sedimentary environment, and the low-level aquatic organisms were dominated in the organic matter input. The changes of the biomarkers maturity parameters of hydrocarbon source rocks with depth were analyzed, and the results indicate that the evolutions of maturity parameters in different formations were different, which were probably caused by the sedimentary burial history and sedimentary environments. Therefore, different criteria should be built to evaluate the maturity parameters of source rocks and oil.