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高校地质学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (3): 451-456.DOI: 10.16108/j.issn1006-7493.2021009

• 地球物理新技术与高精度成像专栏 • 上一篇    

AMT 在陕西华阳川地区硬岩型铀矿勘查中的应用

李 波,王 朋,冉军林,刘宽宏,姚惠明   

  1. 中陕核工业集团二一四大队有限公司,西安 710000
  • 出版日期:2022-06-20 发布日期:2022-06-23

An Audio-Frequency Magnetotellurics (AMT) Investigation of Hard Rock-Hosted Uranium Deposit in Huayangchuan Area, Shaanxi Province

LI Bo,WANG Peng,RAN Junlin,LIU Kuanhong,YAO Huiming   

  1. Eryisi Brigade Company Limited In Sino Shaanxi Nuclear Industry Group, Xi’an 710000, China
  • Online:2022-06-20 Published:2022-06-23

摘要: 在陕西省华阳川硬岩型铀矿勘查区内进行了音频大地电磁测深(AMT)研究工作。研究结果表明,AMT磁场垂向分量Hz在约束构造破碎带产状方面效果明显,AMT能够有效的探测容矿空间—构造破碎带的规模、产状以及两侧岩体的展布,是一种在硬岩型铀矿攻深找盲、外围探测工作中较为有效的技术手段。

关键词: 音频大地电磁测深, 硬岩型铀矿, 构造破碎带

Abstract: An audio-frequency magnetotellurics (AMT) study has been carried out in the exploration of hard rock-hosted uranium deposits in Huayangchuan area, Shaanxi Province. The results show that the effects of Hz in AMT is significant in restraining the occurrence of structural fractures. Also AMT can effectively detect the scale and occurrence of tectonic-fractured zones and the distribution of rock masses on both sides. Therefore, it is an effective technical means in exploration and peripheral exploration of hard rock type uranium deposits.

Key words: AMT, hard rock-hosted uranium deposit, tectonic fracture zone