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高校地质学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (3): 487-496.DOI: 10.16108/j.issn1006-7493.2021114

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MICP 复合材料固化软土一维固结试验及机理研究

刘 庆1,林 军2,谢佳旻2, 3*,秦鹏飞4   

  1. 1. 郑州工业应用技术学院 建筑工程学院,新郑 451100;
    2. 汕头大学 土木与环境工程系,汕头 515063;
    3. 汕头职业技术学院 建设生态学院,汕头 515078;
    4. 郑州铁路职业技术学院 铁道工程学院,郑州 451000
  • 出版日期:2023-06-20 发布日期:2023-06-20

Investigation of Oedometer Test and Mechanism of Soft Soil Improved Using Microbial Composite Material

LIU Qing1,LIN Jun2,XIE Jiamin2, 3*,QIN Pengfei4   

  1. 1. School of Architecture and Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Industrial Technology, Xinzheng 451100, China;
    2. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Shantou University, Shantou 515063, China;
    3. Shantou Polytechnic, Shantou 515078, China;
    4. Zhengzhou University of Railway Vocational Technology School of Railway Engineering, Zhengzhou 451000, China
  • Online:2023-06-20 Published:2023-06-20

摘要: 微生物诱导碳酸钙沉积(MICP)技术广泛应用于土体改良,其生态友好特性符合当今环境保护和可持续发展理念。然而由于软土的特殊工程性质,MICP加固软土的研究鲜有报道。文章研究了微生物—砂井与微生物—生物炭两种复合材料加固软土的一维固结压缩试验,实验方法分别采用微生物—砂井联合真空排水法和微生物—生物炭直接拌合法,探究了砂井数量、生物炭掺量对加固效果的影响,基于扫描电子显微镜(SEM)测试与XRD衍射试验,获得了固化软土的微观结构特征。结果表明:经MICP作用后的软土孔隙比随砂井数量和生物炭掺量的增加显著降低,当生物炭掺量在一定范围(8%左右)内能够减小压缩系数,增大压缩模量。碳酸钙含量测定结果显示碳酸钙生成量随深度增加逐渐减少,分布具有不均匀性。微观测试表明:两种实验方法处理后的软土中均出现大量碳酸钙聚集体且填充于颗粒接触处,碳酸钙晶体类型主要为球霰石。

关键词: 微生物诱导碳酸钙沉淀, 软土, 压缩特性, 生物炭, 砂井, 地基处理

Abstract: Microbial induced carbonate precipitation (MICP), as an eco-friendly technology, has been used to improve the mechanical properties of soil. However, it is difficult to apply the MICP to soft soil foundation treatment due to the poor engineering properties. The MICP-sand drain combined with vacuum drainage and MICP-biochar were introduced to the soft soil, and the amount of sand drain and biochar mixing ratio were studied using oedometer test. The microstructures were investigated to reveal the precipitation patterns of calcium carbonate by using SEM and XRD tests. The results showed that porosity ratio decreased with the increase of in number of sand drain and biochar mixing ratio. The coefficient of compressibility and modulus of compression could be improved when the contents of biochar were in a certain range (about 8%). The analysis of calcium carbonate content showed reveal that the amount of calcium carbonate decreased gradually with the increase of in depth, which presented presents non-uniformity of calcium carbonate distribution. Additionally, a large amount of calcium carbonate was observed in the two methods, which were deposited on the contact of soil particles. The crystal type of calcium carbonate was determined as vaterite.

Key words: MICP, soft soil, compression characteristic, biochar, sand drain, foundation treatment
