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高校地质学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (1): 64-.DOI: 10.16108/j.issn1006-7493.2019096

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  1. 中国石油化工股份有限公司石油勘探开发研究院,北京 100083
  • 出版日期:2020-02-20 发布日期:2020-03-05

Submission and Release of Petroleum Data in Australia and Their Significance

BAI Zhenrui,FENG Zhiqiang   

  1. Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute of Sinopec, Beijing 100083, China
  • Online:2020-02-20 Published:2020-03-05

摘要: 油气地质资料是国家重要的资源,其作用的发挥取决于地质资料的管理水平,而资料汇交和公开是资料管理中的重要内容。澳大利亚联邦和各州在油气地质资料的汇交和公开方面都有完善的法律规定,以罚款和矿权审查作为主要的手段约束矿权所有人的汇交行为,通过属地化管理为汇交油气地质资料提供便利条件,建立完善的资料管理信息系统,提高资料的管理和使用效率。中国在油气地质资料管理方面存在诸多问题。需要完善法律法规,严格落实矿权管理制度来促进资料的汇交;推行属地化管理,打破原有的条块分割,降低资料管理成本;完善现行的委托保管制度,加大在油气地质资料管理方面的资金投入;加快建立全国油气地质资料管理服务系统,通过公益服务与商业服务相结合的方式来提高资料共享水平。

关键词: 油气地质资料, 汇交, 管理, 公开

Abstract: Petroleum geologic data is an important national asset, but its actual value relies on the level of data management. Data submission and release are important components of data management. The Australia federal government and state governments have laws and regulations on petroleum data submission and release. Among them, fines and mineral right review are the major means to restrict the submission behaviors of petroleum titleholders. The localized management makes it easy for petroleum titleholders to submit petroleum data, and a sound data management system enhances the efficiency of data management and utilization. In contrast, there are many problems in petroleum data management in China. Such problems can be solved by the following actions such as, promoting data submission through strict implementation of mineral rights management system, reducing the cost of data management through implementation of localized management, improving the current commission control system, increasing capital investment in oil and gas geological data management, as well as accelerating the establishment of the national petroleum data management system. We also suggest to improve the level of data sharing through the combination of public service and commercial service.

Key words: petroleum geologic data, submission, management, release
