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高校地质学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (04): 431-441.DOI: 10.16108/j.issn1006-7493.2023024

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阚立波,周跃飞*,李晓松,王家宇,徐 亮,谢巧勤,陈天虎   

  1. 纳米矿物与污染控制安徽普通高校重点实验室,合肥工业大学 资源与环境工程学院,合肥 230009
  • 出版日期:2024-08-20 发布日期:2024-08-20

The Stability of Minerals in Foraminifera Tests under Early Diagenetic Conditions: Implications from Simulation Experiments

KAN Libo,ZHOU Yuefei*,LI Xiaosong,WANG Jiayu,XU Liang,XIE Qiaoqin,CHEN Tianhu   

  1. Key Laboratory of Nano-minerals and Pollution Control of Anhui Higher Education Institutes, School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
  • Online:2024-08-20 Published:2024-08-20

摘要: 为了模拟早期成岩条件下钙质壳有孔虫壳体中碳酸盐矿物的稳定性及分解转化,文章对浙江台州大港湾滩涂沉积物中的优美小九字虫(Nonionella decora,CF1)、奥茅卷转虫(Ammonia aomoriensis,CF2)和暖水卷转虫(Ammonia tepida,CF3)壳体在硫离子、异化铁还原菌(dissimilatory iron-reducing bacterium,DIRB)和硫酸盐还原菌(sulfate-reducing bacterium,SRB)作用下的形貌、结构和成分变化进行了分析。结果表明,初始S2-≥64 mmol/L时,S2-可以显著促进CF1和CF3壳体中方解石的溶解;对CF2,初始S2-≥128 mmol/L时溶蚀现象明显;溶蚀作用主要发生在壳体表面锯齿构造位置。DIRB对三种有孔虫壳体中的方解石均产生强烈溶解作用,SRB对方解石的溶解无明显促进作用。S2-作用不改变方解石Raman光谱特征,DIRB和SRB作用导致其Raman光谱整体发生5~7 cm-1的移动。S2-、DIRB及SRB作用均可促进壳体内部矿物的溶解和Mg的均一化,DIRB和SRB的代谢产物同时可以促进壳体中次生富Mg碳酸盐矿物的生成。研究认为,早期成岩环境中的DIRB对有孔虫壳体成分和结构的改变强于S2-和SRB,但在长时间尺度上,SRB的作用也不可忽略。

关键词: 有孔虫, 壳体, 早期成岩作用, 方解石, 分解

Abstract: In order to investigate the stability of carbonates in foraminifera tests under early diagenetic conditions, this study
designed simulation experiments to analyze changes in morphology, structure, and chemical composition of the tests of Nonionella decora (CF1), Ammonia aomoriensis (CF2), and Ammonia tepida (CF3) after being eroded by dissolved S2-, dissimilatory-iron reducing bacterium (DIRB), and sulfate-reducing bacterium (SRB). Results showed that calcite in the tests of CF1 and CF2 can be dissolved by S2- when its concentration is above 64 mmol/L; while calcite in the test of CF3 can be dissolved only when S2- concentration is above 128 mmol/L. The dissolution occurred mainly at the place where cogwheel structure is well-developed. DIRB strongly promoted the dissolution of calcite; while such promotion was not obvious in SRB experiments. Dissolved S2- did not change the Raman spectroscopy characteristics of calcite in foraminifera tests; while DIRB and SRB led to systematic shifts of 5~7 cm-1. Dissolved S2-, DIRB, and SRB can promote the dissolution of carbonates in the tests and the homogenization of Mg. Besides, DIRB and SRB can promote the formation of Mg-enriched carbonates in the tests. The results suggest that DIRB is much stronger than dissolved S2- and SRB to change the composition and structure of foraminifera tests under early diagenetic conditions. However, the effects of SRB cannot be ignored from a long-term perspective. 

Key words: foraminifer, test, early diagenesis, calcite, decomposition
