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高校地质学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (1): 66-75.DOI: 10.16108/j.issn1006-7493.2022099

• 二氧化碳地质封存与利用(CCUS)专辑 特邀主编:李琦 • 上一篇    下一篇

玄武岩CO2 矿化封存潜力评估方法研究现状及展望

高志豪1,夏菖佑1,2,3*,廖松林1,余晓洁1,刘牧心1,3,4,李鹏春1,5,梁 希1,2,3,6,戴 青7,黄新我7

  1. 1. 广东南方碳捕集与封存产业中心,广州 510440;   2. 深圳清华大学研究院,深圳 518057;   3. 华润环保应用技术研究(深圳)有限公司,深圳 518001;   4. 华南理工大学 工商管理学院,广州 510800;  5. 中国科学院 边缘海与大洋地质重点实验室 南海海洋研究所,广州 510301; 6. 伦敦大学学院,伦敦 WC1E 6BT;    7. 腾讯公司,深圳 518057
  • 出版日期:2023-02-20 发布日期:2023-02-20

Progress of Methods for Assessing CO2 Mineralization Storage Potential in Basalt

GAO Zhihao1,XIA Changyou1,2,3*,LIAO Songlin1,YU Xiaojie1,LIU Muxin1,3,4,LI Pengchun1,5,LIANG Xi1,2,3,6,DAI Qing7,HUANG Xinwo7#br#   

  1. 1. Guangdong CCUS Centre, Guangzhou 510440, China;
    2. Research Institute Of Tsinghua University In Shenzhen, Shenzhen 518057, China;
    3. China Resources Environmental Protection, China Resources Building, Shenzhen 518001, China;
    4. School of Business Administration, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510800, China;
    5. Key Laboratory of Ocean and Marginal Sea Geology, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology,
    Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510301, China;
    6. University College London, London WC1E 6BT, United Kingdom;  7. Tencent, Shenzhen 518057, China
  • Online:2023-02-20 Published:2023-02-20

摘要: 二氧化碳地质封存是实现减排增汇的重要技术选择,能够将CO2长期、安全地封存在地下岩层中。常规的CO2封存地质体包括地下深部咸水层和枯竭油气藏,玄武岩是近年来逐渐受关注的新一类CO2封存地质体,进一步丰富和拓展了CO2地质封存的技术手段和碳汇潜力。封存潜力评估是CO2地质封存技术发展的重要基础工作之一,文章系统梳理国内外玄武岩矿化封存潜力的评价方法,对比分析各类方法的原理机制和应用情景,并以冰岛活动裂谷带玄武岩为例应用、对比各类方法。研究认为目前玄武岩矿化封存潜力评估方法一般包括三类:(1)单位矿化法:基于玄武岩单位体积或单位反应面积的固碳量开展潜力评估;(2)矿物置换法:基于玄武岩中可固碳矿物的总量开展封存潜力评估;(3)孔隙充填法:基于CO2矿化后产生次生矿物所占岩石孔隙体积比例的上限值开展封存潜力评估。单位矿化法的评估数据需进行系统的实验分析,增加了潜力评估的难度。当玄武岩储层孔隙度较大、可固碳矿物含量相对较小时,矿物置换法较为合适;反之,孔隙充填法更合适。

关键词: 玄武岩, CO2, 地质封存, 矿化封存, 封存潜力, 评估方法

Abstract: CO2 geological storage is an important technology to reduce CO2 emissions, which can safely store CO2 in geological formations for millions of years. Conventional CO2 storage reservoirs include deep saline aquifers and depleted oil and gas reservoirs. Basalt is a new type of CO2 storage reservoir that has been attracting attention in recent years. CO2 storage in basalt would increase the technical method and potential of CO2 geological storage. Storage potential assessment is one of the fundamental works of CO2 geological storage study. This paper systematically examines the current methods for assessing the storage potential of CO2 in basaltic rocks, and analyzes the principles and application scenarios of various methods. Then, the study takes the basalt of Icelandic Active Rift zone as an example to compare each of the methods. The study suggests that the current CO2 mineralization storage potential assessment methods generally include three categories: ① Unit rock storage potential assessment method, which evaluates carbon sequestration potential based on the reaction volume or area of rocks; ② Mineral replacement storage potential assessment method: based on the volume of minerals that can react with CO2 in basalts. ③Pore filling storage potential assessment method, which evaluates the proportion of secondary minerals that can fill reservoirs’ pore space after CO2 mineralization. The authors note that the first method requires special experimental analysis, making it more challenging, the second method is more appropriat for basalts with high porosity and low reactive mineral content, while the third method is more suitable for basqlts with low porosity and high reactive mineral content.

Key words: basalt, CO2, geological storage, mineralization storage, storage potential, evaluation method
