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高校地质学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (6): 838-848.DOI: 10.16108/j.issn1006-7493.2021065

• 表生地球化学专栏 • 上一篇    下一篇


陈 辽,刘连文*,朱晓雨,蔡 洁, 季峻峰   

  1. 表生地球化学教育部重点实验室,南京大学 地球科学与工程学院,南京 210023
  • 出版日期:2022-12-20 发布日期:2022-12-20

Identification of the Dust and Weathering Characteristics of the Soil Weathering from Basalt in Jiangsu and Anhui Provinces

CHEN Liao,LIU Lianwen*,ZHU Xiaoyu,CAI Jie,JI Junfeng   

  1. Key Laboratory of Surficial Geochemistry, Ministry of Education, School of Earth Sciences and Engineering,
    Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China
  • Online:2022-12-20 Published:2022-12-20

摘要: 风尘传输与沉降影响生态系统和元素的生物地球化学循环,对其在成壤作用中的识别与贡献进行研究有重要意义。文章选择在非风尘沉降区的苏皖玄武岩台地典型的两个风化剖面(安徽明光梅花村和江苏盱眙宝塔村)和部分表土及水系沉积物样品,系统分析主要矿物、粘土矿物、常量元素、微量元素及Sr、Nd同位素组成。结果显示,玄武岩基岩基本由斜长石和辉石组成,而风化基岩则主要由蒙脱石构成,风化土壤则出现基岩和风化基岩中未出现的石英、伊利石等风尘特征矿物;基岩和风化基岩以高Mg,低Si、K,无Eu异常等特征,风化土壤则以高Si、K,低Mg,负Eu异常等特征;基岩和风化基岩的εNd偏正,86Sr/87Sr值较低,而风化土壤εNd偏负,86Sr/87Sr值较高;各种证据都显示风尘对风化土壤有重要贡献,通过Nd同位素混合模式计算,风尘对土壤的贡献达60%以上。玄武岩风化表现为完全的蒙脱石化,为显著的去Ca、Mg作用,在梅花村剖面,表层土壤出现Ce负异常,而在下部层位出现Ce正异常,研究还发现在风尘的加积作用,土壤的Si、K含量得以上升。受相对较大的玄武岩台地高程差影响,玄武岩风化产物和沉降的风尘易被降水侵蚀,造成风化剖面较薄,促使玄武岩风化处于“供应限制”模式。本次工作为玄武岩的风化机制,风尘在元素地球化学循环中的作用等提供了新的地质证据。

关键词: 风尘, 玄武岩, 土壤, 化学风化, Nd同位素

Abstract: It is great significance to the identification and contribution of dust in pedogenesis,because the dust affect the global biogeochemical cycle. In this study, two typical weathering profiles (Meihua village, Mingguang County, Anhui Province and Baota village, Xuyi county, Jiangsu Province) and some surface and stream sediment samples were selected from the basaltic platform of Jiangsu Anhui Province. The main minerals, clay minerals, major and trace elements, Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of the samples were analyzed systematically. The results show that the basalt is mainly composed of plagioclase and pyroxene, and the weathered bedrock is mainly composed of montmorillonite, while the soil is characterized composed of dust minerals such as quartz and illite, which are not found in bedrock and weathered bedrock. The bedrock and weathered basalt are characterized by high Mg, low Si, K and no Eu anomaly, while the soil is characterized by high Si, K, low Mg and negative Eu anomaly. Relative to soil, the bedrock and weathered bedrock have a much higher εNd and much lower 86Sr/87Sr value. All mineral, element and isotope evidences show that the dust can serviced as important component of soil. Calculated by the Nd isotope mixing model, it can been foundthat the contribution of dust to the soil is more than 60%. The weathering of basalt is characterized by complete montmorillonization and significant removal of Ca and Mg. In Meihuacun section, Ce negative anomaly appears in the surface soil, while Ce positive anomaly appears in the lower layer. It is also found that the content of Si and K in the soil increases due to the accretion of wind dust. Affected by relatively large elevation difference, basalt weathering products and settled wind dust are easily eroded by precipitation, resulting in thinner weathering profile, which makes basalt weathering in “supply limited” mode. This work provides new geological evidence for the weathering mechanism of basalt and the role of wind dust in the element geochemical cycle.

Key words: dust, basalt, soil, chemical weathering, Nd isotope
