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高校地质学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (3): 294-301.DOI: 10.16108/j.issn1006-7493.2021066

• 地质学教学专栏 • 上一篇    下一篇


舒良树,王 博,茆雅凤   

  1. 南京大学 地球科学与工程学院,南京 210023
  • 出版日期:2022-06-20 发布日期:2022-06-23

Cultivating Students to be Country’s Backbone Talents with Both Excellent Moral and Scientific Knowledge: Some Thoughts on Teaching the Course of Physical Geology

SHU Liangshu,WANG Bo,MAO Yafeng   

  1. School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China
  • Online:2022-06-20 Published:2022-06-23

摘要: 《普通地质学》是引领新生进入地学殿堂、了解地球科学知识的一门专业启蒙课,也是新形势下地学通识教育中的一门基础理论课。其内容涉及地质学全部基础知识中的最必要部分,具有衔接和统领地学各门专业基础知识的特点。根据多年教学体会,笔者认为在精英教育与通才教育并举的新形势下,必须心系学生,与时俱进,转变教育理念,优化集课堂、实验、野外教学为一体的教学体系,推进教学内容的改革与建设,摈弃不适应时代发展与国家需求的教育模式,采用现代化的教学方法和教育技术;对学生开展基础理论传授、专业基础技能训练、创新科研培育的系统教育,拓宽学生的专业知识面,激发学生专业兴趣和创造性思维。在传授科学知识的同时,目标明确地开展思政教育,引导学生认清学问与道德的关系,建立德识双馨的价值取向,提高基础地质课程教学质量和学生的综合素质,促进教学改革,为国家培养五育兼备的优秀人才。

关键词: 普通地质学, 教学改革与建设, 课程体系, 教学内容, 科研促教, 教书育人

Abstract: Physical Geology is a foundation course of geological education for undergraduate students and plays an important role in linking and leading for the other branch-disciplines of Earth Sciences. It contains the most basic knowledge of various branchdisciplines
and the liberal education of geosciences. According to the authors’ long-term teaching experiences, we recognized it is necessary and in urgent to integrate classroom teaching, experimental teaching and field geological teaching into a systematic teaching process, the reformation and construction for the curriculum system and teaching contents for the Physical Geology under the modern situation where both elite education and general education are equally important. We should change education thought
and Conception, and reform traditional education mode and teaching methods to satisfy with modern scientific development and national requirement. A systematical training for students on theoretical knowledge, experimental process and practical ability is very necessary in order to widen students’ knowledge of the Physical Geology, to encourage their interesting of specialty, to advance their creative thinking, and to train gradually their basic ability of modern geology. To do best the works mentioned  above, teaching equality for the education for all-around development will certainly be enhanced and teaching reformation will be greatly promoted. At the same time of teaching the scientific knowledge, it is suggested to carry out necessary ideological and political education with a clear goal, to guide students to recognize the relationship between knowledge and morality, and to make clear the value orientation of the combination of morality and knowledge, so as to improve the teaching quality of basic geology courses and the comprehensive quality of students, and train outstanding talents.

Key words: Physical Geology, educational reformation and construction, curriculum system, content of course, scientific research
to promote teaching,
impart knowledge and cultivate students
