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高校地质学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (1): 73-79.DOI: 10.16108/j.issn1006-7493.2020036

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方思源,董少春*,胡 欢   

  1. 南京大学 地球科学与工程学院,南京 210023
  • 出版日期:2021-02-20 发布日期:2021-03-02

Design and Implementation of An Element Variation Diagram Automatic Generation Software Based on Big Data

FANG Siyuan, DONG Shaochun*, HU Huan   

  1. School of Earth Sciences and Engineering Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China
  • Online:2021-02-20 Published:2021-03-02

摘要: 元素协变图作为研究地球化学元素之间相关关系的重要方法之一,直观的显示出元素在岩浆演化过程中的变化趋势。但现有元素协变图在处理和分析地球化学大数据时,无法体现不同演化阶段元素地球化学行为的差异性,难以揭示大数据背景下地球化学元素之间的相关关系,限制了地球化学大数据的进一步分析和应用。为适应面向岩石地球化学大数据的元素协变图的处理需求,文章参考穷竭法处理思路,采用区间线性拟合方法,开发一款适用于岩石地球化学大数据的元素协变图自动绘制软件——EBME。利用该软件,作者对从GEOROC数据库中收集整合的20多万条地球化学数据进行了不同构造背景下元素协变图的自动绘制。结果表明,该软件能够快速对岩石地球化学大数据集拟合趋势线并生成元素协变图,直观、清晰地揭示元素在岩浆演化不同阶段和不同构造背景下的地球化学行为特征,为揭示地球化学元素的演化规律提供了有效帮助。

关键词: 元素协变图, 地球化学大数据, 区间线性拟合, 元素行为

Abstract: As one of the most important methods to study the correlation between different elements, element variation diagram intuitively shows the variation of elements during magma evolution process. However, traditional element variation diagram could not reveal geochemical behaviors of different elements at different magma evolution stages, which significantly limit the further application of geological big data. In order to process and analyze geological big data-based element variation diagrams, the exhaustion method combined with linear fitting were adopted to draw geochemical big data-based element variation diagrams in this paper. This method had been implemented in the framework of MATLAB GUI and developed a new software (Elemental Behavior of Magmatic Evolution, EBME)
to draw the element variation diagram automatically. More than 200,000 records of geochemical data with different tectonic settings from the GEOROCK database were collected and cleaned, and then imported into EBME software and processed. The results showed that the EBME software can quickly generate element variation diagrams and clearly show the variations of elements in different stages of magmatic evolution and different tectonic settings, indicating that EBME software could be an effective and efficient tool to cipher the evolution of elements in magma system.

Key words: element variation diagram, geochemical big data, interval linear fitting, element behavior
