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高校地质学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (3): 394-401.DOI: 10.16108/j.issn1006-7493.2021105

• 地质学教学专栏 • 上一篇    下一篇


祖辅平1,4,杜菊民2,蔺晓燕1,4,陈延军3,袁 珍1,4   

  1. 1. 西安石油大学 地球科学与工程学院,西安 710065;
    2. 江苏省地质工程有限公司,南京 210018;
    3. 西安石油大学 电子工程学院,西安 710065;
    4. 西安石油大学 陕西省油气成藏地质学重点实验室,西安 710065
  • 出版日期:2022-06-20 发布日期:2022-06-23

Teaching Practice and Thinking on the Course of “Principles of Engineering Geology Analysis”

ZU Fuping1,4,DU Jumin2,LIN Xiaoyan1,4,CHEN Yanjun3,YUAN Zhen1,4   

  1. 1. School of Earth Science and Engineering, Xi’an Shiyou University, Xi’an 710065, China;
    2. Jiangsu Geology and Engineering Co., Ltd., Nanjing 210018, China;
    3. School of Electronic Engineering, Xi’an Shiyou University, Xi’an 710065, China;
    4. Shaanxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Petroleum Reservoir Geology, Xi’an Shiyou University, Xi’an 710065, China
  • Online:2022-06-20 Published:2022-06-23

摘要: 地质学基本理论和应用技术构建而成的《工程地质分析原理》课程,以工程稳定性岩体为主讲对象,以国家建设和国民经济发展需求为目标,通过基础理论、基本概念和技术方法的讲授和实践训练,为国家培养高质量的有用人才。多年教学实践表明,该门课程基本概念多,涉及知识面宽,其工程过程和机制分析要求教师讲解逻辑慎密,并具有三维空间思维,因而教学难度较大。通过教学改革和长期的教学实践与不断总结,取得了如下教改体会:(1)与时俱进,坚持教学改革。结合现状,循序渐进,改革不合理的课程内容与教学方法,补充必要的新理论、新技术、新方法,完善课程内容与教学方法。(2) 突出重点,兼及其他。重点讲解工程地质领域的基本理论,也适当介绍和分析所涉及的人文现象与环保问题。(3)理论联系实际。工程地质基本理论的教学必须紧密联系实际,授课中应该适当增加工程案例的介绍,增强学生的感观认识。(4)教学方法以课堂讲授为主,辅以工程现场的课间实习以及学生的专题研讨,据此提高师生的互动性,激发学生的创造性思维。(5)课程考核采用理论知识笔试与实践动手能力相结合的计分法。教学实践表明,我们采取的这些教改措施是行之有效的,提高了教学质量,得到了同学们的普遍欢迎。

关键词: 地质工程, 学科体系, 教学改革, 基础理论, 现场实践, 环境保护

Abstract: The course of “Principles of Engineering Geology Analysis” is based on the fundamental theories and applied technology of geology. Focusing on engineering stable rock masses and aiming at the needs of national construction and national economic development, it cultivates high-quality talents for the country, through teaching and practical training of basic theories, basic concepts and technical methods. Years of teaching practice has shown that the course has many basic concepts and involves a wide range of knowledge. The engineering process and mechanism analysis require teachers to explain carefully the logic and have three-dimensional thinking, so the teaching is more difficult. Through teaching reform several years’ teaching practice and continuous summary, we have achieved the following teaching reform experience: (1) Keep pace with the times and persist in teaching reform. Combining with the current situation, step by step, reform unreasonable curriculum content and teaching methods, supplement necessary new theories, new technologies, and new methods, and improve curriculum content and teaching methods. (2) Highlight the key points and take into account others. Focus on explaining the basic theories in the field of engineering geology, and appropriately introduce and analyze the humanistic phenomena and environmental protection issues involved. (3) Integrate theory with practice. The teaching of the basic theory of engineering geology must be closely connected with reality, and the introduction of engineering cases should be appropriately added in the teaching to enhance students’ perception and understanding. (4) The teaching method is mainly based on classroom lectures, supplemented by inter-class practice at the engineering site and special seminars by students. Accordingly, the interaction between teachers and students is improved, and the creative thinking of students is stimulated. (5) Curriculum assessment adopts a scoring method that combines theoretical knowledge examination and practical ability. Teaching practice shows that these teaching reform measures we have taken are effective in improving the quality of teaching, and are generally welcomed by students.

Key words: geological engineering, disciplinary system, teaching reform, fundamental theory, field practice, environmental