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高校地质学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (3): 382-386.DOI: 10.16108/j.issn1006-7493.2021090

• 地质学教学专栏 • 上一篇    下一篇


许宝田,张 勇,王 博,杨爱华,解国爱   

  1. 南京大学 地球科学与工程学院,南京 210023
  • 出版日期:2022-06-20 发布日期:2022-06-23

Discussion on the Practice Teaching of General Geological in Geological Engineering Specialty

XU Baotian,ZHANG Yong,WANG Bo,YANG Aihua,XIE Guoai   

  1. School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China
  • Online:2022-06-20 Published:2022-06-23

摘要: 文章针对地质工程专业中基础地质学的重要性和普地实习野外教学实际,提出在普地实习中融入地质工程专业知识教学内容。从岩石基本地质特征、力学问题和具体工程地质问题3个方面将基础地质学与地质工程专业知识进行融合、交叉。从而拓展学生视野,实现实习模式创新、内容改革,促进学生学习意识和自主学习的发展,提升专业思维。岩石成分与岩石力学性质、风化特征和水软化性关系密切,节理面的粗糙、起伏和充填物成分影响节理面抗剪、透水等特性,具体工程中的“滑坡”问题是典型的岩体剪切破坏问题,其形成的力学机制与剪节理相同。将上述问题两者联系起来的讲解丰富了普地实习的内容。文章认为普地实习中观察到的现象与地质工程专业课程中很多知识点紧密联系,在基础地质实习教学中融入上述地质工程的专业知识是完全可行性的,采取增加与地质工程专业结合的实践教学环节的办法,既扩大了学生知识面,初步提高学生专业素养,也为实现毕业后成为专业领域合格工程师和科研人员的培养目标迈出重要的第一步。

关键词: 普通地质, 地质工程, 实习教学

Abstract: In view of the importance of general geology in geological engineering specialty, the theory and knowledge of geological engineering should be added into the practice teaching of general geology. The knowledge of general geology and disciplines of engineering are intersected and integrated. The added contents should include three aspects, such as the basic geological characteristics of rocks, mechanical problems, and specific engineering geological problems. Geological knowledge, geological thought and philosophy might expand the students’ vision, so that students can integrate the human engineering activities into the evolution and development of nature on the basis of engineering thought. At the same time, it will achieve the innovation of practice mode, content reform, promotion and development of students’ learning consciousness and autonomous learning, and enhance professional thinking. Rock composition is closely related to rock mechanical properties, weathering characteristics and water softening. The roughness, undulation and filling composition of the joint surface affect the shear resistance and water permeability of the joint surface. The landslide problem is a typical rock mass shear failure, and its mechanical mechanism is the same as that of shear joints. The explanation of connecting the two knowledge points enriches the content of practice. This paper indicates that the phenomena observed in the general practice is closely related to many knowledge points in the professional curriculum of geological engineering. It is completely feasible to integrate the above professional knowledge of geological engineering into the practice teaching of basic geology. If the teaching method of increasing the practical teaching link combined with geological engineering specialty is adopted, it not only expands students’ width of knowledge and initially improves students’ professional quality, but also takes an important first step towards the goal of becoming qualified engineers and scientific researchers in professional fields after graduation.

Key words: General Geology, geological engineering, practice teaching